How to Embed Google Calendar in WordPress: Quick Guide

Embedding a Google Calendar in WordPress is a smart way to keep your visitors informed about events, schedules, or availability. Whether you’re running a community website, managing a local club, or just want to share your personal calendar, integrating Google Calendar with WordPress allows your users to see your schedule directly on your site. Understanding how to embed Google Calendar in WordPress ensures that your site remains a dynamic and interactive space, leading to a better user experience, keeping your audience informed.


Can you embed a Google Calendar into WordPress?

Yes, you can embed Google Calendar into a WordPress site. This feature lets you display events directly on your website, keeping your audience informed about upcoming activities. It’s a useful tool for streamlining event management and enhancing user engagement.

How to add a Google Calendar to WordPress without a plugin?

To add a Google Calendar to WordPress without using a plugin, first make your calendar public in Google Calendar settings. Then, go to the Integrate calendar section, copy the HTML embed code provided, and paste this code into the HTML of your WordPress page or post where you want the calendar to appear.

Why embed Google Calendar in WordPress?

​​Embedding Google Calendar in your WordPress site offers numerous benefits, from improving how you manage events to enhancing visitor engagement. Here’s a closer look at why this integration could be a game-changer for your website.

  • Streamlined event management: Embedding Google Calendar in WordPress automates the process of adding and updating events, which can significantly reduce the administrative workload. This integration ensures that any changes made in Google Calendar reflect immediately on your website, maintaining consistency without additional effort.
  • Increased engagement: By incorporating Google Calendar, you keep your audience informed of upcoming events or availability directly through your website. This constant update can lead to higher visitor engagement, as users have a reason to return to your site to check for new activities or availability updates.
  • Enhanced user experience: A dynamic and interactive calendar embedded on your site allows users to view events in different formats (day, week, month) and even search for specific events. This interaction is not just informative but also engaging, making the user experience more comprehensive and user-friendly.
  • Time savings: When you integrate Google Calendar with your WordPress site, you can manage your scheduling and event announcements from a single platform that you are already familiar with, either for personal or professional use. This eliminates the need for separate event management tools, saving time and streamlining your workflow.

Setting up Google Calendar

Before embedding your Google Calendar into WordPress, you need to set up and configure your calendar settings properly. This involves creating a new Google Calendar, adjusting access permissions, and obtaining an API key to enable communication between your calendar and WordPress site.

Step 1: Create a Google Calendar

  1. To start, log in to your Google account and access Google Calendar from the Google apps menu, where you’ll find a calendar icon.
    Creating a Google Calendar
  2. Click on the + icon near the Other calendars section on the left and select Create new calendar.
    Creating a new Google Calendar
  3. Provide a name for your calendar and set the proper time zone.
    Setting the new Google Calendar

      Step 2: Access permissions

      For WordPress to access your calendar, it needs to be public. In the Calendar settings set the visibility to public.
      Setting the Google Calendar visibility to public

      Step 3: Obtain Google API key

      For WordPress to access your calendar, you’ll require a Google API key. Visit the Google Developers Console, start a new project, and enable the Google Calendar API. Once enabled, go to Credentials and create an API key. This key will be used in the WordPress plugin or theme that integrates with Google Calendar, so keep it secure. You can get your Google API key by following these instructions.

      How to embed Google Calendar in WordPress?

      Integrating Google Calendar with your WordPress website can streamline your event management and keep your audience informed of your schedule. Whether embedding the calendar within a page or enhancing your sidebar with a calendar widget, these straightforward methods will connect your audiences directly to your upcoming events.

      Method 1: Embed Google Calendar in WordPress with shortcode

      To embed your Google Calendar into a page or post, you can use the Shortcode block feature in WordPress.

      1. First, make sure you have the Google Calendar’s embed code.
      2. On your page or post editor, click the + Add Block button and search for the Shortcode block.Embedding Google Calendar with shortcode
      3. Here, you’ll simply paste the embed code provided by Google Calendar. For example, you would insert something like [google-calendar]. This shortcode will then render your Google Calendar right on your WordPress site.

        Method 2: Embed Google Calendar in WordPress using a plugin

        If you prefer having your Google Calendar on the sidebar of your WordPress site, you can achieve this through a widget.

        1. Access your WordPress dashboard and navigate to Plugins > Add new plugin. You’ll need a plugin like Simple Calendar – Google Calendar Plugin.

        When deciding on a WordPress plugin to embed Google Calendar, it’s essential to consider ease of use, the range of features, and the level of support provided. Your choice can greatly impact how effectively you can manage and display your calendar on your website.

        Simple Calendar Plugin makes it straightforward to integrate your Google Calendar with your WordPress site. With this plugin, you use a shortcode to add your Google Calendar to posts or pages. This flexibility means you can place your calendar anywhere shortcodes are accepted.
        Embeding Google Calendar using the Simple Calendar plugin

        1. Once installed and activated, go to your Widgets section, drag the Google Calendar Widget to your sidebar area, and configure it by adding your calendar ID in the settings.

        Confiiguring the Simple Calendar plugin

        This will make your Google Calendar visible on every page that includes the sidebar, providing your site visitors with easy access to your event information.

          Customizing the calendar appearance

          When you embed Google Calendar in your WordPress site, adjusting its size, color, and style can make it blend seamlessly with your page’s design. You’ll have the flexibility to tailor the calendar’s look to match your website’s aesthetic, enhancing the user experience.

          Adjusting size and view options

          To ensure your Google Calendar fits perfectly on your page, you can adjust its width and height. When customizing your Google Calendar’s size, you’ll find these options by navigating to the Integrate calendar section of your calendar settings. Here, you can specify the dimensions to create a responsive design that adapts to different screen sizes.

          • Width: Set a specific width in pixels or percentages to align with your page layout.
          • Height: Define the height to ensure all relevant calendar details are visible at a glance.

          By setting these values, you can control how the calendar appears in terms of size, whether you want it to take up the full width of a container or to occupy a specific portion of your webpage.

          Styling with CSS

          If you’re looking to further refine the appearance of your embeded calendar, applying CSS is an excellent way to add a touch of personalization. You can add custom CSS styles directly in your WordPress theme or via a custom CSS plugin. When styling with CSS, consider these aspects:

          • Color: Alter background colors, event colors, and text colors to complement your site’s color scheme.
          • Customization: Tap into CSS to tweak various elements, like buttons and date selectors, to reflect your brand’s style.

          Here’s a basic example of CSS that changes the calendar’s background color:

          iframe[src*=""] {
           background-color: #f3f3f3; /* Your desired background color */

          Remember to replace the color code with your preferred one to make your calendar pop or to have it merge subtly with the rest of your page.

          Advanced functionality and management

          In the dynamic world of managing your events and appointments within WordPress, you’ll need more than just the basics. Embracing advanced functionality allows for effective synchronization across multiple calendars and efficient management of your schedule.

          Synchronizing multiple calendars

          When you’re dealing with a busy schedule, keeping multiple calendars synced is crucial. You can integrate diverse calendars into your WordPress site, providing a unified view of all your events. Plugins like Simple Calendar can link various Google Calendars with your WordPress, ensuring that all your events are updated in real time. It’s a smart way to consolidate your business dates, personal appointments, and other important schedules.

          • Step 1: Install a plugin capable of syncing, like Simple Calendar.
          • Step 2: Configure the plugin settings to display all synced events from multiple calendars.

          Managing events and appointments

          To stay on top of your appointments and manage your events effectively, consider using tools that offer detailed controls and options. These functionalities help you oversee and adjust your schedule as needed. For instance, you may use the Google Calendar embed feature that allows for adjusting event details directly through WordPress, with changes reflected on all platforms connected to the calendar.

          • Tip: Regularly review your event settings and RSVP settings to keep your calendar in check for any upcoming business or personal events.
          • Remember: Use the Integrate calendar option within your Calendar settings to gain access to these advanced management features.


          Embedding Google Calendar in WordPress offers a dynamic solution to manage and display events that can significantly enhance user interaction and site functionality. By following the straightforward steps outlined in this guide, from setting up your calendar to choosing the right plugin and customizing its appearance, you can effectively keep your audience informed and engaged with your schedule. Whether you embed Google Calendar in WordPress through a simple shortcode or a versatile widget, it is not just an improvement—it’s a transformation that brings your online presence to life, making it more interactive and responsive to the needs of your visitors.

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          Simplify WordPress with 10Web

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