Kinsta Alternative: 12 Reasons to Choose 10Web

The website hosting industry is a highly competitive environment where only those with an improbable combination of an extensive range of services and low prices will survive.

While Kinsta fulfills the requirements for high-quality services, it fails to meet the demand for favorable prices. And the fact that you bumped into this article tells us that you’ve come to the same conclusion and, inevitably, are now looking for a cheaper Kinsta alternative.

Luckily for you, we have the perfect solution to this conundrum: 10Web offers state-of-the-art automated WordPress hosting services for shared hosting prices.

To set the record straight, we agree that Kinsta offers top-notch services, but you’ll find that when it comes to pricing, website speed, security and backup services, 10Web plays in a whole different league.

So to those who are looking for an affordable Kinsta alternative that can keep up with Kinsta’s services and in some places even exceed them, here’s the good news: your search ends here.

Now here’s a little preview of what’s to come:

  1. Price Ratio
  2. 90+ PageSpeed Score
  3. One-Click Automated Migration
  4. White-label Hosting & Multisite Support
  5. All-in-One Dashboard
  6. Real-Time Differential Backup Service
  7. Security Service
  8. Image Optimizer
  9. Scalability
  10. SEO Service
  11. All-in-One Website Builder Based on Elementor
  12. Customer Care

Excuse my French, but on y va, dear readers!

1. Price Ratio

Kinsta, being one of the most innovative brands this industry has to offer, provides solid and reliable services. There’s no argument there.

Be that as it may, Kinsta’s pricing structure inevitably puts it out of reach for a large number of users, forcing them to look for a more affordable alternative.

This, in a nutshell describes, the most common dilemma website owners face nowadays: How will they ever be able to find a hosting provider that keeps its quality of services high but its costs low?

This is where 10Web comes into play. Not only do we provide high-quality services – as you’ll see for yourself in the upcoming sections – we also provide them at a very low cost.

So let’s get right to it and compare the pricing schemes of the two hosting providers.

  • Kinsta’s starter plan has a monthly cost of $30. But again, for that amount of money they provide an extensive package of services: you get monthly visits of about 20k visitors, 10GB SSD storage, 50GB cloud storage, automatic backups, staging area, free SSL, 24/7 support, and much more.
  • 10Web’s standard package on the other hand provides among other things the following: 25k monthly visits, 10GB SSD storage, 20GB cloud storage, real-time, automated, backups, staging environment, free SSL, and 24/7 support.

Except for the minor difference in storage capacity the provided services are pretty much the same, right? Wrong! Because this package is available for, believe it or not, $10 per month. And the price can even get as low as $6 per month depending on how many websites you manage.

But, of course, we also fully appreciate the concerns of those who fear that our starter package doesn’t offer enough storage space to fulfill their requirements. For this purpose, we offer our premium package, which with a monthly cost of $24 is still cheaper than Kinsta’s basic plan.

With this plan your traffic inflow capacity rises to 100k visitors per month. Additionally, you’ll have a 15GB SSD storage space as well as 75GB cloud storage and many many other features that you can check out at our pricing page.

To cut a long story short, with Kinsta you’ll pay $30 for 1 website and a maximum of $200 for 10 websites. At 10Web, on the other hand you’ll pay $10 for a website – $6 for 10+ sites managed on 10Web – and a maximum of $66 for 11 hosted sites. To paint an even clearer picture, we did the math for you: 10Web is 3 times cheaper than Kinsta.

So as you can see, we didn’t exaggerate: When it comes to pricing Kinsta is no match for 10Web, which makes 10Web the cheaper alternative to Kinsta.

2. 90+ PageSpeed Score

notebook displayin pagespeed insights analysis

One crucial factor that sets 10Web apart from other hosting providers and makes it a great Kinsta alternative is the extensive bandwidth of automated website optimization services we provide.

Without a doubt, Kinsta is one of the fastest managed WordPress hosting providers out there. This is mostly due to its state-of-the-art hosting infrastructure.

This said, if you read between the lines, you’ll sense a “but” coming and since we hate to disappoint our readers, here’s a fancy “but” for a change:


what Kinsta misses and 10Web has is a website speed optimization service. It’s what allows us to guarantee that every customer, who transfers their site to 10Web, automatically gets a 90+ PageSpeed score.

You may or may not have noticed that one recurring theme at 10Web is page speed. We speak about it plenty in our blog. We even provide a WordPress Speed Optimization service, where you can check your page’s speed performance and optimize it to reach a perfect PageSpeed score of 90+.

So, knowing all of this, it might not come as a surprise that we offer speed optimization services designed to always keep your website optimized and running at full speed.

This is how it works:

  1. Using Google’s PageSpeed Insights as one of our speed testing tools, we offer you an analysis of your speed performance. If your PageSpeed score isn’t optimal, in other words ranges somewhere between 0-89, you have the opportunity to sign up on 10Web and install our 10Web Manager plugin.
  2. We’ll then create an optimized copy of your website and send it to you within 20 minutes. Don’t worry, the live version of your website won’t be affected.

How do we ensure a 90+ PageSpeed score?

Simple, our speed optimization services are built on the following components:

  • We use the latest generation of servers, provide sufficient SSD storage and operate with the highly reliable Google Cloud platform’s “premium tier” network to host our sites.
  • We provide a state-of-the-art hosting infrastructure that includes containerization, caching, and elastic resource management.
  • We automatically optimize your website’s images, minify JS and CSS files, lazyloads resources, and much more.

3. One-Click Automated Migration

2 browsers, with arrows going from one to the other

With Kinsta, your website migration is manually taken care of for you by their team, thereby ensuring that you save time and don’t have to handle such tedious tasks on your own. What can possibly top this, right?

Well, let’s try this Kinsta alternative for size: we, at 10Web, see Kinsta’s manual migration service and raise it a one-click automated migration option.

Colloquialisms aside, we at 10Web are fully aware of how difficult the decision of migrating your website from one host to another can be. There’s no need to further complicate this decision by adding the burden of a manual migration. That’s why we’ve come up with automated migration as the perfect solution.

All you need to do is enter your existing website’s URL and select a data center location. Et voilà: Your site will be created on 10Web in a matter of minutes.

You’re probably wondering what will happen to your original site if you migrate it to 10Web before taking a final decision on which hosting provider to settle with. Well, wonder no more. Your original site will remain intact and won’t go down.

So feel free to migrate your site to 10Web, start your free trial with no credit card requirement and then make an informed decision on whether you want to change hosts.

4. White-label Hosting & Multisite Support

Both 10Web and Kinsta offer white-labeling and multisite support. These features are crucial for agencies and multi-project developers in particular.

For those of you who’ve never heard those terms before:

  • White-labeling allows our customers to offer our services to their clients under their own brand. In other words, both 10Web and Kinsta outsource their services, without the clients of their customers ever finding out that they’re the original providers of said services.
  • Multisite support, on the other hand, means that you can manage separate websites from one dashboard, using shared plugins, themes and users. This will allow you to save time by avoiding doing the same task for each website separately. 10Web and Kinsta offer this service on their higher plans.

5. All-in-One Dashboard

10web's all-in-one dashboard with its features

A second feature that makes 10Web the ideal Kinsta alternative is our all-in-one dashboard. 10Web’s dashboard is somewhat akin to Hobbes’ Leviathan, with the minor difference that in our version, the Leviathan consists of a variety of website management features instead of the totality of the population.

But we digress…

Now let’s take a look at what the 10Web-ian version of the Leviathan has to offer:

  1. You want to connect a website to your dashboard? Easy! It only takes one click. Just enter your site’s URL and your admin credentials and voilà: your new site is linked to your dashboard. Now all you have to do is install the manager plugin on your website and you can start customizing it.
  2. You want to manage multiple websites from the same location, at the same time? Also easily done! Not only can you manage all your websites from one dashboard, you can also use shared plugins, themes and much more to avoid wasting your time doing the same task for each and every website individually.
  3. You want to manage your plugins, make use of our backup or optimization services? Well, you won’t have to search for long, because, guess what, it’s all right there on your dashboard.
  4. You don’t need to remember all your websites’ login credentials. With 10Web you have a one-click login option to any WordPress website connected to your dashboard.

Real-Time Differential Backup Service

browser with backup schedule

Although the worst may never happen, it is always good to be prepared for the worst case scenario. In our case, a worst case scenario would be a successfully hacked website. For such instances you’ll need a reliable backup service.

When it comes to backups, consistency is key. To be able to restore your website content as quickly and comprehensively as possible it’s important to schedule backups at appropriate intervals.


With Kinsta you have this scheduling option. But be aware that backups on a weekly to hourly basis will cost you an additional $2 per website. Kinsta also provides the option of uploading your backups to your own external cloud storage. This will cost you an extra $0.13 per GB.


As for us, all websites hosted on 10Web are automatically backuped at system level every day. You always have access to the last 1000 restore points.

And naturally, as a viable Kinsta alternative, we, at 10Web, would be remiss if we didn’t provide our users real-time differential backups. This comes in handy in case you need hourly backups, or if you just want to save your database, or some files more frequently.

What this means is that only the recent changes to your website are stored, which evidently increases the efficiency of the backup procedure.

Your website content is stored on a free cloud storage space in Amazon S3 and can be restored at any time with just one click.

In terms of additional costs, for a 20GB extension of your backup storage you’ll only be charged an extra $2.

7. Security Service

protective shield

10Web’s dedication to providing high-quality security services is another reason why it’s the perfect Kinsta alternative.

Website security should have the highest priority for the owners or admins, as threats can potentially result in data breach, website downtime and other negative effects which can harm your business.

For you, this starts by choosing a hosting provider that has understood the gravity of this aspect and takes every precaution to provide you and your clients or website visitors a safe browsing experience.

To avoid this kind of a faux-pas there’s a myriad of factors that you need to take into account:

  • Your hosting provider should offer you a free SSL certificate. Nowadays, this feature is widespread. Should you still happen to encounter a provider that doesn’t offer this service, then perhaps it might be wise to take your business elsewhere. Having an SSL certificate ensures that the data exchange between your server and a user is encrypted and thus protected from third-party access. That’s what the “https” before the URL name stands for. 10Web provides a free Let’s Encrypt certificate, but you can always upload your own custom certificate.
  • The 10Web dashboard also includes an integrated security service and scanner. You can schedule unlimited automated security scans for malware, vulnerabilities and file change.
  • Moreover, you’ll need qualified support in the unfortunate, but sometimes still likely, case that the protection measures were not sufficient.

At 10Web, you’ll find that all above-mentioned elements are included in all our plans.

Add to this other security services, such as built-in login limitations, DDoS protection as well as the restoration of already hacked websites, and you’ll have progressive security solutions that are dedicated to always ensuring the safety of your websites.

8. Image Optimizer

For the sake of speeding up your website’s performance, 10Web provides an additional feature, namely image optimization.

Basically, this means that every image uploaded to your WordPress is automatically optimized: Your images become 10 times lighter than its original condition by providing up to 90% image compression, without quality loss. This way we ensure that your website performance triples in speed.

9. Scalability

cloud getting bigger in size

Both Kinsta and 10Web provide great scalability. The Kinsta starter pack for $30/month allows 20k monthly visits, has a 10GB SSD storage, as well as 50GB cloud storage.

Should you unexpectedly go beyond those limits, there’s no need to panic. Your website won’t suffer from any performance damage, given that the resources provided to you will scale up according to your demand. Consequently, you can also rely on us to always respond to unexpected surges in your traffic and prevent any negative impacts to your site’s performance.

So what’s the point of mentioning this aspect, if there’s no difference to begin with? Simple, really.

Here’s what makes 10Web stand out as the alternative to Kinsta:

If you’re an agency or a freelancer finding yourself at the early stages of your business, where you can’t really predict where your journey is headed, it’s always good to have a state of the art, yet still affordable hosting plan.

With 10Web’s starter pack for $10/month you’ll have the capacity to host 25k visitors per month as well as store 10GB on SSD and 20GB on cloud storage. For every added 10k visitors or 5GB SSD storage you’ll be charged an extra $2 at the end of the billing month.

As you can see, 10Web, just like Kinsta, offers great scalability, but with the major difference that 10Web’s plans come at a much cheaper price. This allows to open up the managed WordPress hosting market to users that weren’t granted access before because of the high pricing of the hosting plans.

This way you have the opportunity to start small and see where the ride is headed. And, we at 10Web, will of course follow your journey and upgrade your tariff accordingly at your request.

10. SEO Service

Another reason why 10Web makes an excellent Kinsta alternative is that we are adamant about providing inventive search engine optimization (SEO) services.


Because following SEO rules will enhance your visibility on search engine results pages). The higher your SERP ranking, the better the impact on your click-through rate .

Our SEO services are brought to you in different shapes and forms: There’s speed, image and URL optimization on one hand, and custom metadata, a XML sitemap as well as search analytics on the other hand.

Additionally, we provide a wide range of SEO plugins, a great deal of which are free of charge. For one, this will increase the efficiency of your overall workflow. At the same time it’ll ensure that your website is optimized at all times.

In line with this, 10Web, of course, makes great efforts to allow for its customers to keep their hard-earned SEO accomplishments when they migrate their website from another host. For instance, our users are provided the opportunity to import data from their Yoast account.

11. All-in-One Website Builder Based on Elementor

One more feature that is characteristic of 10Web is our drag and drop website builder that’s based on Elementor. Why is this interesting for you?

Well, for one, you won’t have to waste time on using codes to build and manage your website. With the Elementor builder you can do so with just a few simple clicks.

But what’s more is that it comes with a bundle of other very useful tidbits: 40+ designer-made and mobile-friendly templates and 50+ premium plugins that will meet all of your needs.

So if you’re someone who doesn’t have much experience in building a website, don’t worry your secret’s safe with us.

With the help of our templates, plugins, and Elementor-based builder, you’ll be able to design your website in a professional and visually appealing manner. No one will ever be able to tell that you’re an absolute beginner.

12. Customer Care

image of a heart, background says care

Finally, another key feature, with which 10Web stands out as a Kinsta alternative is our customer care.

Under the headline “In 10Web Care We Believe,” we convey the importance of our customers for the evolution of our services which can only evolve and be perfected through our customers’ indispensable input.

This is why at 10Web customer care isn’t just a task that is assigned to one specific department. It’s the responsibility of each and every employee.

We are all equally hands-on when it comes to resolving customer-related issues. It’s the only way to provide highly-qualified solutions tailored to your individual needs.

It goes without saying that we’re available to you on a 24/7 basis – via email or chat box, depending on the urgency of the matter. And rest assured that we’ll always respond quickly.

So, after humbly designating ourselves as the perfect Kinsta alternative the managed WordPress hosting world has to offer, we turn to you: Would you agree with us? And if not, care to share with us what the Kinsta alternative of your choice would be and why?

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