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Arto Minasyan

Arto Minasyan

Arto Minasyan is the founder of 10Web and a serial entrepreneur with over 10 years of experience is software business development. Currently, he is running 2 tech startups, 10Web Inc. and Krisp, and is passionate about building great teams, products, and companies. Arto holds a PhD in Mathematics.
AI Prompt Generators

7 Must-Try AI Prompt Generators to Boost Your Creativity

11 Min Read

Over the last few months, AI has gained enormous popularity and is being adopted by everyone. According to the McKinsey Global 2022 survey, 43% of organizations had already embraced AI technology to reduce environmental impacts and improve sustainability initiatives last year. You can imagine how much more adoption will occur this year.  With AI tools such as ChatGPT, Bing, or several…

ChatGPT Extensions

17 ChatGPT Extensions to Make It Smarter and More Useful

16 Min Read

One of the most exciting developments in recent years is OpenAI’s ChatGPT. It has opened up the possibilities to what the average person can do with AI starting with a simple question as a prompt. This article looks at a few of the ample opportunities already popping up for improving the usefulness of ChatGPT.  What is ChatGPT, and why is…

AI Business Ideas

5 Profitable AI Business Ideas to Capitalize on the AI Hype

13 Min Read

Everyone is looking for a cutting-edge AI business idea to capitalize on the Artificial Intelligence wave. Understandably so. Artificial Intelligence (AI) is not just a hype anymore, it has come to change the work industry. Sooner or later, the early adopters will have an edge over their competition. Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a technology that is opening new doors and…

AI Personalization

AI Personalization in 2023: Examples, Tools, and Tips

16 Min Read

The success of modern businesses depends on their ability to keep customers engaged with personalized experiences that speak directly to their individual needs and interests. The modern customer has ever-changing preferences. To satisfy these customers, brands are turning to AI personalization, a technology powered by artificial intelligence, machine learning, and natural language processing. With the new AI-powered personalization tools, brands…

ChatGPT Alternatives

9 ChatGPT Alternatives to Upgrade Your AI Chatting Game

20 Min Read

OpenAI’s ChatGPT has taken the tech world by storm, breaking records with its unprecedented user growth. With 100 million active users in just two months, this AI chatbot has proven its worth by answering questions, asking follow-up questions, writing essays, and even serving as a coding companion. Developed by OpenAI, ChatGPT’s powerful abilities have driven headlines and attracted the interest…

Graphic Design Website Examples

17 Graphic Design Websites for Inspiration in 2024

26 Min Read

Overview Why do you need a graphic design website To showcase your work, connect with clients, and highlight your design style. What is the main challenge of creating a graphic design website Creating a visually compelling showcase that reflects your design skills and philosophy. What you will find in this article Curated examples of graphic design websites that excel in…

ChatGPT prompts for marketing

70+ Creative ChatGPT Prompts to Innovate Your Marketing Plan

19 Min Read

As technology evolves, businesses have had to rely heavily on technology to elevate their marketing efforts and set themselves apart from the competition. In the recent past, one technology, in particular, has been in nearly every discussion and news headline since its launch in late 2022: ChatGPT.  ChatGPT is a revolutionary chatbot powered by machine learning and natural language processing…

Easiest Way to Build a Website

3 Easiest Ways to Build a Website All on Your Own

19 Min Read

Most people want to make a website easily. So, what is the easiest way to build a website? It used to be that you needed to know, at the very least, how to code and understand technologies such as HTML, CSS, and Javascript. If you wanted to create a website yourself, you needed months, if not years, of cumulative training….

AI Assistants

Top 30 AI Assistants: We All Know ChatGPT, What Else is Out There?

19 Min Read

In the contemporary fast-paced world, AI assistants have become a valuable tool in helping us manage our daily tasks. These tools offer many features and benefits, from setting reminders and making appointments to helping us stay organized. But with so many AI assistants available, finding the one that’s right for you can be challenging.  In this article, we will explore…

Remove Unused JavaScript on WordPress

How to Remove Unused JavaScript on WordPress Automatically

16 Min Read

 If you’re someone managing a website, you’ll likely be familiar with the “reduce unused JavaScript” message that pops up on a website checking tool whenever you have some irrelevant JavaScript code on specific web pages. For instance, you may have seen the message when you checked your website through PageSpeed Insights – an online website testing tool – and…

A man frustrated by a 502 bad gateway error.

502 Bad Gateway Error and How to Fix It

29 Min Read

HTTP 504 Gateway Timeout and HTTP 502 Bad Gateway errors are the most common server errors for WordPress website visitors and owners. In my previous article, we discussed the causes of a 504 Gateway Timeout error and possible solutions. In this article, we’ll come to understand what a 502 Bad Gateway error is, talk about the reasons for a 502…