How to Log in to a WordPress Website Dashboard

Logging into your WordPress website is a process that enables you to manage content, adjust settings, and customize your site’s design. Accessing your WordPress dashboard is typically done through the login page. This is done with a username and password, which you would have set up during the WordPress installation process or received from your website administrator.

However, if you have forgotten your credentials or simply are new to the WordPress platform, this guide will help you log in with ease. It will also suggest tips and tricks you can use to ensure a secure and easy login process next time.

There are a few methods that we will discuss to answer your question of how to log in to a WordPress website dashboard. Let’s start with the most straightforward approach.


What is the login URL for WordPress site admin?

The login URL for a WordPress website typically follows this format: Replace ‘’ with your actual domain name.

How do I login as administrator on a website?

To log in as an administrator, go to your WordPress login URL and enter your administrator username and password. Once you log in, you will be directed to the WordPress dashboard where you can manage your site.

Can I sign into my WordPress site using Google credentials?

Yes, you can sign into your site using Google credentials by selecting the ‘Continue with Google’ button on the login screen.

How do I connect my WordPress site to my account?

To connect your WordPress site with your hosting account, you can usually do so through your hosting provider’s dashboard.

How to log in to the WordPress dashboard

Logging into your WordPress dashboard, i.e., the administration panel is essential for managing your website’s content and settings. The methods include accessing the dashboard using your username and password, through your hosting control dashboard, via your Google account, or by requesting a login link. Let’s discuss each of these step-by-step.

Use your username and password

If you know your credentials, logging in by using your username and password is the simplest way.

  1. Go to your website’s login URL, which is typically login page
  2. Enter your username and your password in the respective fields. If the entered credentials are correct, you will be directed to the WordPress dashboard.

Use your hosting control panel

Some hosting providers enable direct access to the WordPress admin panel through their control panel. After logging into your 10Web account, look for the website you want to log into the dashboard of. Here, click on the Access WordPress Dashboard icon and you will be taken to the WordPress dashboard of your website.10Web dashboard

Use your Google account

Logging in through Google works if you use, rather than If you prefer to log in using Google, select the Continue with Google button on the login login

This option may require you to provide your Google username and password unless you’re already logged in. Then, you’ll be automatically directed to your dashboard.

Use a login link

Whether you try to log in to or, both have the option to request a login link. On the login page of both, click on Lost your password? WordPress will email you a link that can be used for one-time access to the dashboard without a password. This feature is handy if you’ve forgotten your credentials.

How to enhance the login process

Enhancing your login process can not only improve security but also streamline access for users. Key enhancements include enabling the Remember Me feature for convenience and integrating social logins for quicker authentication.

Enable the Remember Me feature

When you enable the Remember Me option on your WordPress site, it allows users to remain logged in for extended periods without re-entering credentials. To activate this feature go to your login page and check the Remember Me box before logging in.Lost your password page for WordPress

This option uses cookies to remember user sessions, hence reducing the frequency of login prompts.

Use social logins

Social logins simplify the login process by allowing you to select Continue with Google or Continue with Apple, among other services when using, in particular. To set them up:

  • Install a WordPress plugin that supports social logins.
  • Configure the plugin with API keys from the respective social platforms.
  • Add the social login buttons to your login page.

By using social logins, you minimize the need for creating new accounts and can access the existing ones vie faster authentication.

How to troubleshoot login issues

When you encounter problems logging into your WordPress site, it’s often related to redirect loops or cookie authentication errors. Resetting your password through email or phpMyAdmin can also resolve access issues.

Resolve redirect loops and cookie problems

A redirect loop occurs when your browser keeps getting sent from one page to another without ever landing on the right login page. To fix this, first try clearing your browser’s cache and cookies, which can sometimes store outdated or incorrect data. If this doesn’t help, check your WordPress site’s URL settings in the wp-config.php file; incorrect settings here can cause redirect issues.

Troubles with cookies may lead to login problems since WordPress uses cookies for authentication. Ensure cookies are enabled in your browser settings. If the issue persists, deactivate all plugins by renaming the plugins directory to identify any conflicts.

Reset password via email or phpMyAdmin

If you’ve forgotten your password or are unable to log in, you can reset your password using the Lost your password? link on the WordPress login page as discussed above. This sends a password reset link to your email, allowing you to choose a new password securely.

Alternatively, if you can’t access your email, use phpMyAdmin to reset your password directly in the database. Here’s how:

  1. Open phpMyAdmin from your hosting control panel.
  2. Go to the wp_users table.
  3. Find your username and click on the Edit button next to it.
  4. Enter a new password in the user_pass field, selecting MD5 in the functions menu to encrypt your new password.
  5. Click Go to save changes.

This direct approach bypasses email systems and quickly restores your access to the site.

Advanced login security

When managing a WordPress website, ensuring the highest level of login security is crucial. Two-factor authentication (2FA) and strategies to prevent cyber attacks stand as your robust defense against unauthorized access.

Use two-factor authentication

Two-factor authentication (2FA) adds an extra layer of security to your login process. Here’s a concise guide to enable it:

  1. Select a 2FA method: Common methods include SMS codes, authenticator apps, or email codes. Consider using an authenticator app for a balance of convenience and security.
  2. Configure your 2FA: Access your WordPress security settings or install a security plugin.
  3. Enforce 2FA usage: Ensure all user accounts are required to set up two-factor authentication before granting them access to your site.

Customize the login page

To enhance your WordPress website’s user interface, tailoring the login page to match your brand’s identity can create a more cohesive and professional user experience. Through customization of appearance and utilization of plugins, you can manage the login process effectively and ensure a smooth entry point for users.

  • Choose a theme: Select from numerous pre-designed templates or create one from scratch to align with your brand aesthetics.
  • Custom CSS: Inject your style with custom CSS to adjust fonts, colors, and layout for a unique look.
  • Backgrounds and logos: Replace the default WordPress logo with your own and set a background image or color to resonate with your brand.

Customizing the WordPress login screen adds a personal touch and enhances brand recognition. This involves changing style elements like the background, form fields, and buttons, and adding a custom logo.


The guide offered practical methods for logging into the WordPress dashboard, whether you are new to WordPress or have lost your login credentials. We discussed four main methods to access the dashboard: using the standard username and password, through the hosting provider’s control panel, via a Google account for users, and by requesting a login link for one-time access without a password.

Logging in to the WordPress dashboard is essential for managing your website. That’s why, besides providing you with the answers to how to log in to a WordPress website, this article also discussed ways to troubleshoot login issues and stay secure. Follow the tips for the best WordPress website management.

Simplify WordPress with 10Web

Simplify WordPress with 10Web

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