10 Brilliant WordPress YouTube Channels You Must Follow

Are you looking for some fascinating WordPress YouTube channels to follow that will advise you regarding everything WordPress? What a nice coincidence! Because we’re here to provide you just that.

But first, let’s talk about the importance of YouTube to understand why you should get on this gravy train. For starters, YouTube is the second largest search engine after Google. According to Forbes, YouTube has about 3 billion searches per month, outperforming “Bing, Yahoo, AOL and Ask.com combined.” This only goes to show that video content has increasingly gained popularity during the past few years.

The sheer size and popularity of YouTube tell us why following WordPress YouTube channels will be beneficial for your website projects. Many important hosting providers, technical experts, and influencers have caught on to this fact and are relying on YouTube as a key information distribution channel more and more.

That’s why we’ve compiled a list of the best WordPress YouTube channels.

Best WordPress YouTube Channels

youtube logo, in the background the wordpress logo

What criteria influence your choice of subscribing to a YouTube channel? Is it the topic itself, the quality of information, visuality, popularity, or maybe all of the above?

Whatever it is, it’s a very subjective decision, which is why we can’t tell you which one you should follow. All we can do is offer you a good variety of channels that deal with everything related to WordPress and hope that the list will introduce you to a suitable option for you.

To do this, we’ll take a look at the number of subscribers, the frequency of uploads, and the informative value that those channels bring with them.

So, without further ado, we’d like to present to you the best WordPress YouTube channels to follow.

1. 10Web

We’d like to start with yours truly, 10Web, an Automated WordPress Platform, aka a better alternative to managed hosting, with a hosting infrastructure powered by Google Cloud.

Given that our hosting services are specifically optimized for WordPress, it’s safe to assume that our company consists of WordPress experts. Consequently, we discuss everything WordPress-related on our WordPress YouTube channel.

But of course, we don’t contain ourselves on that topic. We also talk about all things related to website hosting. For instance, as a company that guarantees a 90+ PageSpeed score for every website that’s hosted on our platform, we make a point of focusing on website speed as well.

Generally speaking, in this channel, we share all our secrets regarding creating a fast, secure, and visually appealing website — and all of this without any coding!

At the same time, we’re convinced that publishing tutorials, reviews, etc. is an iterative process and shouldn’t be created in a vacuum. That’s why we’re in the process of creating a YouTube community, where we can exchange ideas with our viewers, see what kind of videos would be most helpful for them, and then create our video content based on their input.

Surely, you’re asking yourself whether we’ll be able to publish your needed video quickly enough for you to actually profit from it. The answer is, absolutely! We publish 5 videos per week. This goes to show how fast we work. We wouldn’t be able to keep this up if we didn’t have a reliable and efficient team of experts working tirelessly to provide their support and share their technical knowledge.

Now, is this a dream come true, or what?

Feel free to take a look at our services by using our non-binding free trial without any credit card requirement.

What’s great about our WordPress YouTube channel is that it’s consistent. We produce 5 videos per week, discussing every issue website owners might be facing, providing comparisons between providers, and much more. So, when you follow our WordPress YouTube channel, rest assured that you’re following an active and always up-to-date channel with a very active community and lively discussions.

2. Ferdy Korpershoek

Next in line is Ferdy Korpershoek. We at 10Web always enjoy Ferdy tutorials. They’re fun and highly informative, which is why it’s a must in our list of best WordPress YouTube channels.

Ferdy Korpershoek is an online instructor who has made it his mission to assist people in managing their website projects and successfully growing their businesses. He’s also a Udemy instructor who provides online tutorials about website hosting.

The number of videos uploaded is countless, meaning he has already covered a wide range of topics. So, if you’re an absolute beginner in the world of website hosting, then Ferdy Korpershoek can be a lifesaver.

For the Dutch people out there, you’ll be happy to hear this: He even makes videos in Dutch. Should you have difficulties understanding some technical issues in English, he’s got you covered.

In terms of upload frequency, it’s not that easy to tell. The number of videos uploaded ranges from 2-4 per week.

As you can see by our rave, we 10Websters are big fans of this YouTube channel and highly recommend you join the fan club.

3. Tyler Moore

Tyler Moore is one of the best WordPress YouTube channels for us because as is indicated on his website, he “makes it easy to learn how to make a website step by step with no step skipped.” And we can testify to that.

For somebody who has just decided to build his or her website, but has no clue whatsoever how to do it, Tyler Moore is your go-to guy. He literally walks you through all the necessary steps to create a website like a professional. The 350K channel subscriptions are a reflection of the quality of his tutorials.

The only minor weakness of this channel is the extremely low frequency of video uploads. Although “weakness” isn’t the right word for it. It’s a pity that he doesn’t post more videos anymore. The channel used to be more active 2 years ago. But, as of now, only 2-3 videos are published per year.

This said, there are a huge number of Tyler Moore WordPress tutorials available from the past that you take a look at if you need assistance with your website. In any case, make sure to pay a visit to this WordPress YouTube channel, and let’s cross fingers that there will be more frequent new tutorials sometime in the near future!

4. WPBeginner

Now, this one’s really a must for everyone, unless you’re a really tech-savvy person who already knows everything there is to know about WordPress. But for everyone else, who’s new to WordPress, you’ll be thanking us for including this one in our list of best WordPress YouTube channels.

WPBeginner is, as it says on their website, perhaps “the largest WordPress resource site for WordPress Beginners.” So, if you need tutorials that teach you the basics of handling WordPress, we recommend you pay them a visit. They publish relatively short videos on the simplest things, such as how to install a WordPress theme or how to install Google Analytics.

At this point, it should be emphasized that if you have certain experience with WP website creation and management, then this channel isn’t necessarily for you. Check out one of the previously mentioned ones instead.

As for the frequency of uploads, their WordPress YouTube channel is relatively active. Subscribers enjoy 2 videos per week.

5. WPTuts

Another WordPress YouTube channel that we recommend is WPTuts.

WPTuts provides tutorials for business websites specifically. So, if you’ve just recently started your own business and want a reliable YouTube channel to guide you through creating a professional website, this one’s definitely a winner!

This one has you covered if you’re an absolute beginner and if you’re a tech-savvy person. The topics discussed range from how to use the Elementor builder to how to edit your WordPress code. There’s something for every skill level.

With 74.3K subscribers, this channel has a solid base of followers and provides 3-4 videos per week. In other words, with this one, you’ll be following a channel that will always keep you up-to-date and teach you new things. So, make sure to check it out and see if it has information of value for you!

6. WordPress

wordpress video channel site

Of course, we can’t discuss WordPress YouTube channels without mentioning WordPress’s official channel. WordPress publishes everything on this channel: WordCamp sessions, discussions about updates, writing, Google PageSpeed, and much more. There are videos in Spanish and Chinese as well, which attracts international audiences.

But, weirdly enough, this WordPress YouTube channel has less than 10K subscribers despite having a regular publishing schedule and informative valuable videos.

That’s why we highly recommend you subscribe to this channel if you’re using WordPress. You’ll be updated on everything important related to website hosting. But if you’re looking for tutorials, then this might not be the channel for you, given that its main focus is discussions on current WP-related topics and not step-by-step tutorials.

Following this channel means that you’re getting your information directly from the source. So, even if at times this channel doesn’t have the information you need, we highly recommend you follow this channel. This way you won’t risk missing out on new developments.

7. Darrel Wilson

The next channel we’d like to recommend is Darrel Wilson. His YouTube channel provides

  • great tutorials that help people build a website,
  • good reviews to help you understand which products and services are good,
  • info on a bunch of WordPress products,
  • news related to everything WordPress.

The videos are mostly 10-15 minutes long, but there are some more detailed how-to videos that are one hour or more.

As for the frequency of uploads, you’ll get 1-2 videos per week, which isn’t a lot, but enough to keep the channel lively. This is reflected in their solid follower base. At this moment, the channel has 200K subscribers.

8. ThemeIsle

As advertised, ThemesIsle offers WordPress tutorials and reviews for beginners and advanced users. The company itself is known for creating WordPress products, such as Hestia PRO, which is great because you’re getting your insights from a team that’s specialized in WordPress. That way you know that your information is coming from a reliable and professional source.

Their channel usually discusses the use of plugins and themes, provides reviews and comparisons, and gives you tips on how to optimize your website.

The channel has over 25K subscribers and is growing. With 9 to 11 video uploads per month, they make sure to keep their followers engaged. So, feel free to pay a visit to their channel, see if there’s anything of use to you.

9. WPwatercooler

WPwatercooler is Jason Tucker’s weekly talk show. Tucker is a web developer himself and can provide you all the detailed insights you need.

The length of videos published ranges from 30 to 60 minutes, which is great for people that are already in the tech industry and are looking for like-minded people to have lively and in-depth discussions with.

What’s really cool about this channel is that sometimes the episodes feature special guests who can provide some new insights that you wouldn’t get otherwise.

So, if you’re obsessed with everything WordPress or website building in general, head over to his channel to see what some tech experts have to share about the hosting world and maybe join their community. It’s an amazing and modern platform that’s unfortunately underrated, given that it only has 3.32K followers.

We don’t know about you, but we, at 10Web, like to support underdogs, which is why the small number of followers doesn’t bother us.

10. Nayyar Shaikh

Our next recommendation is Nayyar Shaikh’s channel. His how-to-videos are very detailed and extremely helpful.

For instance, one of his latest videos “How to Make a FREE Magazine & Newspaper Portal Blog Website with WordPress” is 1 hour and 25 minutes long. It provides a highly detailed tutorial that will take you through all the necessary steps for building such a website.

What’s great about this channel is that it’s all about website building. And by that, we mean all kinds of websites. Whether you want to create an eCommerce website or a freelance and micro job marketplace website, this is the place to get the right kind of support. It will cover all your needs.

In terms of consistency, the channel publishes 1-2 videos per week, which, for us, isn’t bad at all — it might not be the liveliest of channels, but lively enough to make it worth a subscription.


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What is the best way to learn WordPress: YouTube channels or Udemy courses?

Learning WordPress through WordPress YouTube channels or Udemy courses are two different things.

There are several factors that should be considered before settling for either option.

  • The first thing you should ask yourself is who this tutorial is for. If you’re a company that wants to provide training for new employees, then it might be wise to purchase a Udemy course because it has a clear course structure. If it’s you who needs assistance, then it might be more efficient to check some YouTube channels. Especially because you know what information you’re looking for and don’t have to lose time going through an entire course to have your question answered.
  • The second thing you need to consider is what is this tutorial for. If you’re looking for something very basic, then you don’t need to take a course. If it’s a more complex topic and you find that no YouTube channel is giving you the information you need, then, of course, it makes sense to take a look if Udemy covers that particular issue.
  • Another thing to take into account is your budget. A WordPress YouTube channel subscription is free, while Udemy will cost you $20-$200. Udemy usually offers discounts, so be careful when you subscribe to a cheap course it might get more expensive with time. Another thing to consider is that some Udemy instructors, such as Ferdy Korpershoek, have their own YouTube channels where they provide tutorials for free.

Generally speaking, we think that both YouTube channels and Udemy courses can be great options depending on what you need. Our recommendation is to understand what information you’re looking for, do a little research on YouTube to see if there’s a good tutorial that answers your questions. If not, go to Udemy, but make sure to carefully read the terms and conditions of the discount you’re receiving to avoid unpleasant surprises in terms of increased costs.

Is there a YouTube channel that has tutorials on the latest version of WordPress?

Yes, of course. Just head over to 10Web’s YouTube channel and see for yourself. Given that our hosting services are specialized in WordPress, our team of experts provides you all the necessary information for creating a website with great functionality and high performance. The high frequency of video uploads indicates that everything we share with you is always up-to-date and follows the new developments in the WordPress hosting market.

And should you have questions about anything related to WordPress that you think we left out in our videos, feel free to contact us. We’ll be more than happy to create a video dedicated to your specific problem.

Alternatively, we encourage you to follow the WPwatercooler podcast, Ferdy Korpershoek, Nayyar Shaikh or Darrel Wilson. You can never go wrong with these.

What do you think of our list of WordPress YouTube channels? Do you think they’re going to be useful to you? Will you add them to your subscription list or do you have other favorites? Share your opinion and expand our horizon by leaving a comment!

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Simplify WordPress with 10Web

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