Autoptimize Alternative – How 10Web Beats Autoptimize

Are you looking for an Autoptimize alternative? Autoptimize is a popular plugin designed to improve the loading speed of websites, but it may not be the right fit for everyone. If you're in need of another option, there are several great alternatives available. In this article we'll take a look at the best Autoptimize alternative, exploring their different features and analyzing which one might be best for your particular needs.

In today’s world, the speed of the website plays a significant role. Everyone wants instant results. No one likes to wait while surfing the internet. It does not matter how cool your website looks if it’s not performing and optimized well then your website will not be ranked higher in search results by search engines like Google and it will also impact the user experience.

Various issues caused by your website can lower your SEO rankings which result in lesser page views, and higher bounce rates which drop your website’s Core Web Vitals (CWV) score drastically. Now to improve your website’s performance you don’t need any technical knowledge. There are a plethora of plugins available in WordPress that can help you in optimizing the performance of your website and also increase the SEO rankings.

Out of these plugins, there are very few plugins that do a quality job of optimizing your site and improving your site’s SEO rankings. These plugins are Autoptimize by Frank Goossens and 10Web Booster by 10Web.

About Autoptimize and 10Web

Autoptimize is one such popular optimization plugin available on WordPress. It is developed and maintained by Frank Goossens. This plugin is actively been used by 1+ million websites.

10Web Booster is an all-in-one speed optimization plugin for improving the overall performance of any website irrespective of your hosting platform. It makes use of various optimization techniques. To fully optimize your website you have to focus on all aspects of the website optimization, not just caching and minification. 10Web Booster takes care of all of that.

What is the goal of Autoptimize

The goal of Autoptimize is to optimize and enhance the speed of your website. It helps in minifying CSS and JS files, image optimization and lazy load, supports WebP and AVIF image formats, optimizes Google fonts and many more.

Why Autoptimize became a top solution

Autoptimize became one of the earlier plugins that provided a simple lightweight solution and various optimization techniques to enhance the performance of your website. Earlier, there were very few plugins that offered such services in one plugin. This grabbed users’ attention and so it became one of the top solutions when it comes to improving the website’s performance.

10Web – much more powerful and yet easy to use

Autoptimize as seen earlier does implement various optimization techniques but it still lacks a few of them.

On the other hand, 10Web Booster is engineered in such a way that it focuses on improving each aspect of your website whether it is a frontend, backend, CSS or JS minification, image optimization, caching, lazy loading, critical CSS and many more.

10Web Booster handles all the complex tasks on its own making it easier for its user to focus on their growing their business rather than on the technical side of things. It also provides an easy-to-use dashboard from where you can manage and tweak changes to your websites. You can manage various websites from your 10Web dashboard. Many customers choose autoptimize because it is a relatively simple solution. 10Web, while being much more powerful, is even simpler to use.

How 10Web compares to Autoptimize in a nutshell

  • 10Web Booster can do quite a lot:  10Web Booster provides 90+ PageSpeed score and allows to pass Core Web Vitals (CWV) metrics. The good part about 10Web Booster is that with just a click of a button you can easily optimize your entire site.
  • All in one solution for optimization: Get your site optimized in almost all aspects from the frontend, and backend, to images and fonts.  
  • 10Web Booster is a stable and well crafted software: Software that is developed by a team of experienced engineers having more than 10+ years of experience in the web development industry.
  • User-friendly dashboard: 10Web Booster provides an easy-to-use user interface (UI)
  • Dedicated support: 10Web Booster offers 24/7 support for its customers. Directly connect with their engineers and get your problems solved.

10Web booster is doing optimization more effectively

10Web Booster provides a page speed benchmark of 90+, while Autoptimize does not have any of such benchmarks.

Techniques that make 10Web Booster optimization more effective.

  • Caching: A technique that stores data so that it can be accessed in the future without the need to fetch it again. 10Web Booster performs both page caching and file cache while Autoptimize has only page caching.
  • CSS and HTML minification and compression: 10Web Booster supports both CSS & HTML minification and compression while Autoptimize has only HTML minification. Minification is the process of removing unwanted data from the files like spaces, comments, etc. The aim here is to reduce the file sizes so that these files can easier be fetched and compression reduces it even further.
  • Critical CSS: A technique which focuses on loading the CSS rules that are necessary for the page to it.
  • WebP support: WebP is an image compression technology developed by Google. It helps in reducing the image file size keeping the image quality intact. You get this feature in the free version of the 10Web Booster plugin.
  • Image lazyload: Lazyload technique for images only allows images that need to show on the visible screen for the user. 10Web also provides this feature in its free version.
  • Font delivery optimization: Font swapping and loading critical fonts is provided in the free version of 10Web Booster.
  • Non-breaking algorithms: 10Web Booster uses an algorithm which creates a copy of your webpage on the test environment on the 10Web servers and then implements optimization techniques in that environment. If everything works well then the algorithm will apply those changes on the live website. This is why it does not break your site.
  • CDN Integration: 10Web booster Pro has recently introduced integration of the Cloudflare enterprise Content Delivery Network (CDN). It will boost your website’s performance even more and improve load time for those who are away from the location of the server where your website is hosted.

10Web booster is more reliable and stable

The 10Web team constantly focuses on making the product stable and secure. They push 3-4 updates per week, which include new features, performance, UI/UX improvements, bugs and conflict fixes, etc.

They also provide good documentation and video tutorials which makes it even more reliable and easier to interact with the product.

10Web booster has a simpler no-code UX

10Web offers a clean and simple dashboard. 10Web team not just focuses on the engineering part of the product but also gives emphasis on the overall usability of the product. With just a click of a button, you can perform any task using the 10Web dashboard without worrying about how things work internally.

10Web booster has better pricing value

10Web Booster is quite an affordable plugin based on the features that it proposes. The 10Web provides three pricing plans and the “Personal” plan starts at $10/mo. It also provides a “Premium” plan and also a dedicated “Agency” plan for agencies.

Booster Pricing

10Web is more than a site optimization plugin
10Web provides a platform to build, optimize, host and manage websites automatically other than just an optimization plugin. This not just includes the following.

  • AI builder
  • automated hosting (as an addon)
  • collaborative dashboard
  • 27/7 customer support
  • And a lot more

Key differences between Pro versions of 10Web and Autoptimize

Both the 10Web and Autoptimize plugins differ in lots of areas in terms of functionality, features, usability, user experience, support, security, stability and so on. 10Web focuses on providing customer value and ranks ahead in almost all these areas as compared to Autoptimize.

Technical features of 10Web Booster

Critical CSS

10Web uses the chrome driver and post-processing tools to optimize the critical CSS which makes it better than Autoptimize. 10Web algorithms make sure that there is no stylesheet missing from the critical CSS. By programmatically interacting with the page, it gathers all the CSS rules used in the site. 

Further 10Web Booster ensures there are no duplicate rules, and the styles ordering is optimal for fast performance. This affects the First Contentful Paint (FCP), Time to Interactive (TTI) and Total Blocking Time (TBT) metrics. It improves the loading of any page of your site, but your homepage is prioritized and is executed on a different queue.

JS Delay:

10Web uses the delay JavaScript technique. It is a technique where the browser initially only focuses on rendering the HTML content and not the script files. After the user interacts with the webpage then the browser starts loading script files. 

The 10Web Booster plugin has 4 different levels. So, in low levels, this plugin removes only some JS files (the ones having low priority) and connects them to user interaction.

This technique affects various metrics like Time to Interactive (TTI), First Contentful Paint (FCP) and Total Blocking Time (TBT).

Font delivery optimization:

Fonts are everywhere on the website, and optimizing them is crucial. We add the CSS property  “font-display: swap” to tell the browser not to wait for fonts to render the page. This accelerates page loading, and on the other hand, avoids FOUT(flash of unstyled text) and FOIT (flash of invisible text). 10Web Booster also optimizes font delivery by prioritizing loading of critical fonts and removing unused fonts and their styles..

This affects the First Contentful Paint (FCP) and the Time to Interactive (TTI) metrics of the Core Web Vitals (CWV). The Autoptimize plugin does not have this feature.

Image Optimization:

The 10Web booster optimizes all the images on your WordPress site by converting them to WebP format. WebP is an image file format developed by Google that reduces the size of your images while preserving the quality of the image. This helps in loading the images quickly on the webpage in less time. You can also use 10Web Image Optimizer plugin for this.

Why and how 10Web algorithms are more reliable

The great thing about the 10Web algorithm is that it does not directly apply the optimization techniques on the live webpage. The algorithm creates a copy of your webpage in its test environment or sandbox and then applies the optimization techniques in that sandbox.

Why no-breaking is important

Since the optimization techniques are not performed on the production webpage (a website that is live on the server) therefore there is no chance of breaking your production site. Even if the algorithm fails to perform some techniques or if something happens then the algorithm will try to fix it in the sandbox itself. Only after the algorithm chooses the right level and settings, it goes to the live site.

Product development and support 

Autoptimize team releases minor versions of its plugin with some features and bug fixes every month. The team that is working on the plugin is quite small. If you have any queries then you can post your queries on the Autoptimize Support page on WordPress.

On the other hand, the 10Web team releases 3-4 updates per week, which include new features, performance, UI/UX improvements, bugs and conflict fixes, etc making the plugin more stable and secure.

10Web Booster is under constant development. The engineering team is working hard in bringing more features to this plugin, improving the existing features and resolving the issues within the product. They constantly take feedback from the agencies and freelancers and then plan and work towards making 10Web even better.

10Web also provides chat support which is available 24/7 and support through a dedicated slack channel with a dedicated engineering team having 10+ years of experience in various aspects of web development. Chat support is available not only for pro version customers, but also for the users of the free plugin.

Cloudflare enterprise CDN Integration

10Web Booster and 10Web platform have recently introduced integration of the Cloudflare enterprise Content Delivery Network (CDN). The CDN plays a major role when it comes to improving the loading of the assets and even cached and optimized web pages if your visitors are far away from where your website is hosted.

10Web has partnered with Cloudflare who is a market leader in the CDN industry that will provide 10Web’s customers to access the largest global network of 275 cities with direct connection to nearly every cloud provider. This will ensure that your website is always nearer to your global audience. The top tier, Cloudflare Enterprise, offers exclusive access to advanced functionality, security, and performance. See the announcement of the Cloudflare integration and its benefits in this article.

Missing features?

10Web is also working on improving its compatibility with other plugins and themes. Apart from this, they  are also working on providing new features to provide more automation.

UX key differences

10Web Booster uses four levels to automatically optimize your website. It works by analyzing your website and then selecting a level that will optimize and best suit your website without affecting the styles or UX in a negative way. 

But this is not the case with Autoptimize. Here, you have to manually choose from various different optimization options in order to optimize your site. Autoptimize does not provide any dashboard, it only has a WP plugin dashboard. On the other hand, 10Web provides its own dashboard which is a SaaS dashboard in addition to WP admin dashboard settings.

 WP admin dashboard settings.

The overall user experience of the Autoptimize plugin is not great as compared to the 10Web dashboard. The 10Web dashboard is much more stable and reliable to use. 

Price difference

Autoptimize has a free as well as a paid version. 

Autoptimize free version includes the following:

  • Basic HTML, CSS & JS code optimization
  • Image optimization
  • Lazyload only for images

Autoptimize Pro version offers 2 plans, one plan that supports a single site and another plan that supports 5 websites. Each of these plans consists of the following.

Single site 5 Sites
Image optimization Image optimization
Automatic Critical CSS rule Automatic Critical CSS rules
Great support Great support
11.99 €/$ per month or 79 €/$ per year 31.99 €/$ per month or 299 €/$ per year

As compared to Autoptimize, 10Web Booster provides a free version and a Pro version that has 3 plans, Personal, Premium and Agency plan. Each of these plans consists of the following.

10Web Booster Free version includes:

  • Frontend optimization of homepages + 5 inner pages 
  • Improved Core Web Vitals
  • Image Optimization
  • Image lazyloading
  • Critical CSS
  • WebP support
  • 90+ PageSpeed score
  • Ability to optimize your website on any hosting
  • 24/7 Customer Care

10Web Booster Pro version has all the things which the free plan offers including the following:

Personal Premium Agency
CDN bandwidth  100GB 200GB 700GB
DDoS protection Yes Yes Yes
Website support 1 Website 3 Websites 10 Websites
Frontend optimization All pages All pages All pages
Unlimited Image Optimization Yes Yes Yes
24/7 customer care (email assistance and real time chat) Yes Yes Yes
VIP support (Directly connect with our engineers through your dedicated Slack channel to solve any issue.) No No Yes
Price $14/mo $35/mo $85/mo

This is just a brief representation of the plan that the 10Web offers. You can visit the 10Web pricing page to see their offerings in detail.

As you can clearly see from the pricing tabs of both plugins, the 10Web offers much more features than Autoptimize at a very affordable price. You get most of the major features in the “Personal” plan. 10Web pricing plans not just include the plugin but also include various other tools and services including Cloudflare CDN, which, if purchased separately, would cost $20 per month per site.

You can choose a plan based on your requirements, convenience, and use case. 10Web plans are designed keeping the end user in mind. 

10Web platform benefits

10Web provides an all-in-one platform: A platform where you get everything that you need to make your site highly optimized and SEO friendly. From website creation to publishing on the internet, everything can be done on this platform.

Clean User Interface: The 10Web dashboard offers a very simple, clutter-free and elegant dashboard. 

AI builder: Easily create a website with the power of AI that will generate tailored content for your business using the AI builder.

Drag and drop Editor: Develop WordPress websites faster using the 10Web drag and drop editor that is powered by Elementor.

Hosting: 10Web also offers hosting that allows you to have a much more stable and efficient backend that guarantees the availability of your site by providing 99.9% uptime.

One-click migration: You can easily migrate any website to the 10Web hosting in just one click.

Collaborate: The platform also provides an opportunity for collaboration with others.

Documentation: If you are stuck somewhere then you can always refer to the documentation and the articles created by the 10Web team. 

Support: It has 24/7 support from top-notch highly experienced engineers from the web industry.

Superior technology of optimization

10Web Booster is a blend of various technologies. Optimization techniques and their impact

  • CSS & HTML and JS minification & compression

10Web Booster supports both minification and compression of CSS & HTML files. The aim here is to reduce the file sizes so that these files can easier be fetched and compression reduces it even further.

  • Page cache and files cache

Caching is a technique that stores data inside that browser so that it can be accessed later whenever required without the need to fetch it again from the server. 10Web Booster performs both page caching and file caching.

  • Image optimization and conversion to WebP

Images are the most important part of any website. The problem with images is that the images have large file sizes. This is not good for web pages as it can affect performance and SEO scores.

10Web provides image optimization. It helps in reducing file sizes so that they can be loaded faster. 10Web also converts images on your website to WebP format. WebP helps in reducing the image file sizes while keeping the image quality intact. Also 10Web Booster implements container-specific image resizing, a technique that reduces sizes of images for mobile devices or smaller screens.

  • Image, video, and iframe lazy load

Lazyload is a technique where resources like images, videos and iframes are not loaded all at once. They are loaded only on the part of a webpage which is currently visible on the user’s screen.

10Web provides lazyload support not just for images but also for videos and iframe tags. This helps in loading the most important content on the screen first which results in good UX and performance boost to the site.

  • Critical CSS generation

10Web supports critical CSS generation, a technique which focuses on loading the minimum number of CSS rules that are necessary for the page to be displayed correctly.

  • Delay JavaScript

10Web uses the delay JavaScript technique. It is a technique where the browser initially only focuses on rendering the HTML content and not the script files. After the user interacts with the webpage then the browser starts loading script files. 

The 10Web Booster plugin has 4 different levels. So, in low levels, this plugin removes only some JS files (the ones having low priority) and connects them to user interaction.

  • Font swap

Every website uses different types of fonts to enhance the look and feel of their website. This can too affect the webpage performance. To avoid this we use a technique called font swap. 

Font swap tells the browser not to wait for the fonts to render on the page. To do this, the 10Web Booster plugin adds “font-display: swap” to all the CSS files. This accelerates page loading, and on the other hand, avoids FOUT(flash of unstyled text) and FOIT (flash of invisible text).

  • Content Delivery Network

10Web booster Pro has recently introduced support for the Cloudflare enterprise Content Delivery Network (CDN). It will even boost your website’s performance and load time for those who are away from the location of the server where your website is hosted.

  • Reliable algorithms of optimization

10Web Booster uses an algorithm which creates a copy of your website on the test environment on the 10Web servers and then implements optimization techniques in that environment. If everything works well then will the algorithm will apply those changes on the live website. This is why it does not break your site.

Engineering team excellence and experience

The Engineering team at 10Web has 10+ years of experience in web development majorly in developing WordPress websites and services. They have built a top-notch product like 10Web Booster is a fully loaded WordPress optimization plugin.

They constantly take feedback from the agencies and freelancers and then plan and work towards making 10Web even better. The team pushes 3-4 updates per week, which include new features, performance, UI/UX improvements, bugs and conflict fixes, etc making the plugin more stable and secure.

Optimization on any hosting

The 10Web Booster plugin works fluently on any hosting platform. The performance of the plugin is not determined by the platform on which it is installed and configured. It provides accurate results on all platforms.

10Web Booster does not break sites

10Web uses an algorithm which creates a copy of your website on the test environment on the 10Web servers and then implements optimization techniques in that environment. If everything works well then the algorithm will apply those changes on the live website. This is why it does not break your site.

How 10Web makes websites hosted on any hosting faster

When it comes to the speed of the website there are various factors that play a major role. One such factor is hosting. Of course, depending on the hosting platform and the type of hosting the website has, its performance can vary. 

Now as we have already seen, 10Web optimizes the website in various aspects. If all these aspects are optimized well then definitely the overall website will run faster. We tried running the plugin on a blog website hosted on a different hosting platform which was not optimized well before and had a low page score. As soon as we used the 10Web Booster plugin it increased the page score from 40 to 84 with just a click of a button without CDN enabled. This is how powerful this plugin is. With CDN enabled, scores are even higher.

Support and troubleshooting

10Web provides chat support which is available 24/7 and through a dedicated slack channel with a dedicated engineering team having 10+ years of experience in various aspects of web development to help their customers if they face any functional or security-related issues. 

Apart from this, to help you troubleshoot your problems we have written various blogs and documentation which you can go through on our website. 

Backend optimization with 10Web Hosting

WIth 10Web backend optimization is much more than just implementing the caching technique. The 10Web offers one click migration to its hosting that will speed up the backend as well. The backend optimization affects the performance of the WordPress admin panel and the pages generated by WordPress, specifically the dynamic pages. 10Web optimizes the backend by using the cloud hosting which is powered by Google cloud, providing isolated architecture for each site and optimized configuration with the latest PHP version and Nginx FastCGI cache.

Why the backend matters for the speed

The backend is the heart of any website. It is the brain of a website. The backend keeps track of each and every activity that is happening on the site. The backend is where the entire business logic is implemented. Well-optimized backend enhances the speed of the site and reduces the requests made. 10Web hosting allows you to have a much more stable and efficient backend that guarantees the availability of your site by providing 99.9% uptime.

One click migration, automatic

The 10Web team has developed an automatic migration solution which allows you to easily migrate any of your websites to 10Web hosting in one click. The entire process is automated so you don’t have to worry about anything. It is fast and risk-free. For websites where automatic website migration does not work, they also are offering free manual migrations.

You don’t need to worry about slow hosting

The 10Web provides automated WordPress hosting. It is fast, reliable, highly available and easily manageable WordPress hosting. It offers various features and plugins for free. It provides various benefits.

  • 99.99% uptime
  • Customer support 
  • Enhances speed
  • Backup and migration support
  • Affordable pricing
  • 90+ Pagespeed score and more

Cloud benefits

The main benefit that the cloud offers is scalability. As the visitors to your website grow it will require more resources to be able to run efficiently. You can always increase or decrease the resources (the amount of CPU, RAM, Storage, etc) depending on the requirements of your website. You do not need to worry about the underlying infrastructure, nor you need devOps engineers. 10Web built a reliable and scalable hosting, where each site is isolated, on Google Cloud.

In the following articles, you can find more information about 10Web Hosting.

Easy to learn and easy to use product

10Web Booster plugin is really easy to use. You don’t require any technical knowledge to use this plugin. With just a few clicks you can install and set up the plugin.

The plugin provides you with various built-in options that you can use to optimize your website. With just a click of a button, your website will be optimized. It provides 4 options by default and they are as follows.

Standard Level

  • CSS and HTML minification and compression
  • Page and file cache
  • JS minification and compression
  • Image optimization
  • Image, iframe, and video lazy load
  • Font swap
  • Image conversion to WebP
  • Container-specific image resizing

Balanced Level

  • Standard Level + Critical CSS generation

Strong Level

  • Standard Level + JS Delay

Extreme Level

  • Standard Level + Critical CSS generation + JS Delay

Depending upon your choice you can choose any one of the above options to enhance your website performance and Core Web Vitals (CWV) scores on every webpage.

Docs and support

10Web Booster has high-quality and easily understandable documentation to help you get started and understand the products that they offer. The support team at has a good amount of knowledge and understanding of their products and is qualified enough to help you with your technical difficulties.


The 10Web team publishes various articles on their website that give a much more in-depth understanding of how things work when it comes to terminologies and concepts related to web development.

They also have a dedicated Youtube channel where they publish a lot of high-quality videos related to their products, services, hosting and other web-related concepts in general. 

Team, chat

There are 2 ways in which you can reach out to them if you face any challenges, through live chat support which is available 24/7 and through a dedicated slack channel where you can directly connect with their engineers.

Support excellence and satisfaction

For customers are their primary asset. 10Web believes in providing value to its customers. They do all it takes to provide their customers with better support as instantly as possible. And that’s why they have put a dedicated engineering team having 10+ years of experience in various aspects of web development to help their customers if they face any functional or security-related issues. They are always ready to help you 24/7.

Built for agencies

If you are running an agency or you are eager to start one then considering the 10Web platform and services would be a great choice. is a one-stop solution for all your WordPress related requirements.

They also provide a dedicated plan “Agency” specifically for agencies where you can host up to 10 websites at a time. You can always upgrade anytime to host even more websites. They have partnered with Google cloud to provide you with top-class services by bringing leading edge technologies to WordPress. The Agency plan feature includes all the features available in other plans, but for 10 and more websites plus several other features 

  • Additional websites. If you have more than 10 websites, you can add them as well as additional sites. 
  • VIP support. Agency plan also includes VIP support which includes 24/7 chat support and dedicated support on slack directly with its engineers. 
  • White label. Agencies can white label 10Web Booster and other plugins by 10Web for their customers.
  • Collaborative environment. This feature also exists in Personal and Premium tiers, however for agencies this is very useful. As an agency, you can invite your team members, customers and external collaborators and provide granular access for each of them with different permission levels.

A whole platform for building, optimizing, hosting and collaborating

From building your website to publishing it on the web, the 10Web platform does it all for you. The 10Web AI builder has the ability to convert any website into a WordPress site. The 10Web also provides hosting services. After you have the website structure ready it will be stored on the 10Web hosting which is powered by Google cloud. Now you can edit the website depending on your requirements with the help of the 10Web editor.

Team collaboration

One of the cool things that the 10Web team has developed is a tool that allows you to collaborate and work together in real time. This tool is known as User & team management. It is available for all the hosting plans offered by 10Web.

It creates an individual workspace for every user. You can invite different people into your workspace to collaborate. This tool is specifically designed for SMBs, agencies, developers, designers, marketers, and other team members, and contributors to your project. 

You can assign permissions to each and every individual that you invite. Currently, the tool supports three levels of permissions Admin, Contributor and Member. To learn more about the User & team management tool read the official docs.

Website building 

If you purchase a hosting addon, you will get access to not only hosting, but also site building features of 10Web. This includes 10Web Editor plugin and AI Builder

The AI builder allows you to create any website in minutes by simply answering several questions about your business. 

You can then edit the website using the 10Web Editor which is based on Elementor, that allows you to drag and drop elements making it easier to tweak and modify changes on the WordPress website. Also, here are some essential tips to speed up your Elementor website.

Sites are optimized out of the box

10Web Booster works out of the box for any WP site, hosted on any hosting. It has simple steps for activation. An algorithmic automated approach to optimization saves a lot of time and makes 10Web booster easy to use, without deep technical knowledge.

Development and improvements

10Web Booster is under constant development. The engineering team is working hard in bringing more features to this plugin, improving the existing features and resolving the issues within the product.

Features comparison overview

10Web Booster provides a WordPress optimization platform and no other plugin can come closer to it regarding the number of features it offers.

Feature 10Web Booster Autoptimize
Caching Page and file caching Only page caching
HTML, CSS or JS minification and compression Minification and compression of the HTML, CSS and JS. Only HTML & CSS minification.
Image lazyload Images and background images are lazy loaded Only images are lazy loaded
iframe and video lazyload frames and videos are lazy loaded. Does not support iframe and video lazyload.
Optimize font delivery 10Web Booster optimizes the fonts delivery. Does not optimize font delivery.
Critical CSS 10Web Booster free version supports critical CSS. Still does not have this feature.
Image Optimization It provides image optimization Provides some image optimization techniques
WebP support Images are converted into WebP No WebP conversion
Defer/delay JS Has JS delay No JS delay or defer

10Web Booster’s superior optimization delivers

  • 90+ Page Score without manual intervention
  • Image Optimization
  • WebP conversion
  • Container Specific Resizing
  • Critical CSS Generation
  • JS Delay
  • Font Swapping
  • Lazy Loading of images, iframes, and videos.
  • 24/7 Customer Care Support

In addition to the front-end optimizations, 10Web offers a complete platform to manage your WordPress websites.

10Web WordPress Hosting options include:

  • Hosting on a top-tier GCP platform.
  • 1-Click Migration
  • AI Website Builder
  • Malware Removal
  • Integrated Backups
  • Access to vetted Experts to help you with your website.


Autoptimize is a good plugin but it supports very few optimization techniques. This plugin can optimize your site to some extent which is not sufficient. You have to optimize all aspects of your WordPress site to make it as fast as possible.

10Web is more than a plugin. It offers an entire ecosystem of services like 10Web Booster, AI Builder, hosting, and collaboration that when combined will produce a much faster website. This will eventually bump up the user experience when users use your WordPress site.

So, if you want to increase your WordPress website’s speed then 10Web will be a great choice for complete WordPress optimization.

Join thousands who choose 10Web every day

Take your first step, join our community and take your business to the next level by building, hosting and collaborating on a high-quality, well-optimized, efficient and SEO-friendly website.

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