Best GoDaddy Alternative for WordPress Hosting 2022

Why are you looking for a GoDaddy alternative to begin with? Perhaps you’ve come to realize that their services are somewhat lacking the quality you need and you’re looking for better options with a better price-performance ratio. Or, have you decided that you’re fed up with shared hosting altogether and want to see what other solutions the hosting industry has to offer?

In any case, it doesn’t matter what led you here. What matters is that, with us, you’re in good hands, because we have the ideal solution for you.

10Web, as an Automated WordPress Platform (a superior alternative for managed hosting), offers a colorful range of services that include everything shared hosting lacks for the exact same price! As a matter of fact, we’ve made a point of refusing to provide low-quality solutions, and that’s why we don’t offer shared hosting, to begin with.

If all of this is Greek to you, don’t worry, we’ll go through all of the features that our GoDaddy alternative, 10Web, offers and explain to you step by step why it’s so important.

  1. Infrastructure
  2. Speed
  3. Migration
  4. Website Builder, Plugins, Themes
  5. Real-time Differential Backup
  6. Security
  7. Pricing
  8. All-in-One Dashboard
  9. Image Optimizer
  10. SEO
  11. FAQs

If you don’t have time or energy to read this admittedly lengthy article, we completely feel your pain. That’s why we’ve prepared this video, containing all the information you need.

For everybody else, who enjoys a good long read, buckle up!

1. Infrastructure

In the world of website hosting, everything starts with the hosting infrastructure. 10Web provides automated WordPress hosting services powered by Google Cloud. What this means for your hosting environment is that your site will be hosted on a virtual server. With the help of LXD containers, your website and all its resources will be completely separated from other users’ sites.

This is just one way in which our services are the better alternative to GoDaddy and shared hosting in general. Through containerization, we protect your site from bad neighborhood effects, ensuring a higher level of performance and security.

But there’s so much more. Being powered by Google Cloud allows us to offer 99.99% uptime, sufficient SSD storage capacity, Nginx, FastCGI caching, and PHP 7.4.

We also provide 8 different data centers distributed over 4 continents for better connectivity. For one, this reduces the travel time of your data between server and end user. Secondly, it increases your availability to a larger, more international audience.

As for GoDaddy, the majority of their infrastructure is moved to AWS. Like 10Web, their hosting services are WordPress-specific and offer load-balanced servers. They guarantee a 99.90% uptime.

Moreover, with GoDaddy you have a Premium DNS Management Tool and Double Processing Power and Memory at your disposal. Here’s the catch though: it’s only available in their “Ultimate” plan. This describes one of GoDaddy’s biggest problems: exclusivity. There are important features that you’ll need for better performance results that are only available in higher plans.

Of course, it’s understandable that more extensive plans that include premium services should cost more. But GoDaddy’s expensive plans include pretty basic services, which creates a high-level disparity between the plans. Which is exactly why you need 10Web as your GoDaddy alternative!

2. Speed

Next in the list is your website’s performance. There’s no better way to sum it up for you than in numbers, so here we go:

The loading time of a website hosted on GoDaddy is 3 seconds. If your website is hosted on 10Web, you’ll have a loading time of just 0.8 seconds. Need a moment to let that sink in? No, can’t do, because there’s more.

When it comes to PageSpeed score results, GoDaddy had a score of 79 for desktops and a 66 score for the mobile version. These numbers aren’t bad, but they’re mediocre.

To contrast these numbers with 10Web’s results: a website hosted on 10Web has an ideal PageSpeed score of 100 for the desktop and 93 for the mobile version.

If you’re wondering why 10Web is capable of offering such high performance levels and GoDaddy is not, here’s the trick:

10Web has a website speed optimization service, the entire purpose of which is to optimize your website’s speed from multiple angles. We have a fully automated solution that includes high performance hosting, smart hosting configuration, image optimization and lazyload, and JS and CSS minification. The list goes on and on.

This is why we, as the ultimate GoDaddy alternative, guarantee that every website that migrates to our platform will automatically receive a 90+ PageSpeed score.

If you want to test this out by yourself, check out our WordPress Speed Optimization page. You can enter your URL, check your current score. Then sign up for 10Web, install our Manager plugin and we’ll instantly provide you with an optimized copy of your website. Of course, no changes will be made to the live version of your website, so don’t worry about the integrity of your original data.

If this isn’t enough for you, feel free to make use of our non-binding free trial without credit card requirement, which will give you sufficient time to explore the variety of our features and see if they fulfill your requirements.

3. Migration

2 browsers, arrows going from one to the other

To be able to enjoy all of these perks, a fast and easy migration service is key. So, here’s how it works at 10Web. Our migration services are fully automated and free of charge. Basically, you can migrate your website from another hosting provider to 10Web with just 1 click. You enter your website’s URL, pick a data center location, and click the migrate button. Everything else will be done for you in a matter of seconds.

GoDaddy also offers a 1-click migration service. You have the option of moving your website to your domain name or to a temporary domain. After that you have to do a quick review and your website is ready to go live.

4. Website builder, plugins, themes

GoDaddy’s website builder is a separate service that comes with an additional fee. It facilitates several processes, such as website and online store creation as well as social media and email marketing. With the help of GoDaddy InSight™, the hosting provider offers support with data crunching and smart tech that offers tailored advice to your business.

The downside is that GoDaddy’s website builder isn’t WordPress-oriented, meaning the management of WordPress sites is rather more complicated.

10Web, as the ideal GoDaddy alternative, offers a website builder based on Elementor, which is already included in all hosting plans. The Elementor builder offers you the possibility to

  • arrange your layouts,
  • try a variety of design elements, and
  • create responsive experiences

via drag and drop. This makes it a very easy-to-handle and intuitive tool for creating and customizing your website.

On top of this, 10Web offers 40+ designer-made and mobile-friendly website templates, alias WordPress themes, 40+ premium Widgets, consisting of Elementor and premium 10Web widgets, as well as 50+ premium plugins, such as Photo Gallery, Form Maker, Slider.

5. Real-time Differential Backup

10web dashboard displaying backup feature

When it comes to backup solutions, GoDaddy offers daily backups with a 1-click restore option. Basically, GoDaddy’s backup service allows you to save your files and databases every night and store that version for a month.

Moreover, you have the possibility to do scheduled or on-demand backups, which provides great flexibility.

GoDaddy’s backup service can be purchased by any other hosting provider for the price of $3.95/month.

Now let’s turn to the GoDaddy alternative of our choice and see if our services can keep up.

For starters, 10Web offers a real-time differential backup service. If we break this down, it means that you have the option to schedule your backups on an hourly, not just daily basis. This is especially handy for highly dynamic websites that need a backup solution that can keep up with the pace of their website changes.

Differential backup, on the other hand, refers to the fact that only the latest changes after your last full backup are saved, which makes this process more efficient.

On top of that, you can restore data from the last 1000 backup points and have the possibility to schedule automatic backups according to the time interval most suitable for your website.

Our backup service comes with all 10Web plans.

6. Security

One important feature to look for in a GoDaddy alternative is security.

10Web, as an Automated WordPress Platform, provides WordPress-specific solutions. In terms of our security services, this means that they’re optimized to deal with WordPress-specific threats. For this we offer the following features:

  • Constant monitoring,
  • Built-in login limitations,
  • Vulnerabilities and file changes scans,
  • DDoS protection, and
  • Scan and seamless reparation of hacked sites.

Of course, you can take the security of your website into your own hands and conduct manual scans, receive reports about the state of your site’s security and SQL injections.

But you also have the option of free and automatic website audits or you can have the 10Web team do a manual checkup for you. And just in case all of this isn’t enough, our system administration team is at your disposal 24/7 and will take care of any security issues.

Furthermore, 10Web offers a free one-click SSL certificate with the “Let’s Encrypt” integration with all plans. And don’t worry, your SSL certificate renews automatically and won’t cost you a dime.

GoDaddy, on the other hand, offers the following security measures:

  • Malware scan and removal, but keep in mind that this feature is exclusively available in the Ultimate and Ecommerce plans.
  • DDoS protection,
  • Constant server monitoring,
  • SSL certificate, but again, this feature is only available in the Ultimate and Ecommerce plans.

The takeaway here is: Beware of the hidden prices!

7. Pricing

10Web platform pricing

The pricing of 10Web’s automated WordPress hosting is exceptional in that it’s comparable to the pricing of shared hosting. It’s something that no managed hosting provider offers and it’s the reason why 10Web is the perfect GoDaddy alternative.

Our annual pricing starts at $10/month for 1 website and $6 per website if 10+ websites are hosted on 10Web.

GoDaddy’s plans start at a monthly cost of $9.99 with renewal, and $24.99/month for the Electronic Commerce plan, albeit again with renewal. For those who own 5 or more than 5 websites, GoDaddy offers a Pro plan starting from $55 per month.

As you can see, in terms of pricing GoDaddy and its alternative, 10Web, are offering the same. The main difference is that with GoDaddy there are hidden prices, starting with the fact that the plans only cost as much as they advertise only if you choose the renewal option.

8. All-in-One Dashboard

GoDaddy offers user control of cPanel or Plesk in all plans. If you go for the cPanel option, it means that you can install and set up web applications for blogging or ecommerce very easily.

The GoDaddy alternative, on the other hand, offers an all-in-one dashboard that allows you to manage your websites from one location. Here are some examples of things that are included in this dashboard:

  • Installation and automatic update of WordPress core, plugins, and themes,
  • Backup service,
  • SEO service,
  • Security service.

And this is not even half of it. But why spend so much time describing our dashboard if we could just show it to you, right? With our non-binding and free trial without credit card requirement you have enough time to fully explore our services and see if they are suitable to your website’s needs. Check it out and let us know what you think!

9. Image Optimizer

browser displaying original and optimized version of an image

Here’s a feature that our designated GoDaddy alternative offers but GoDaddy doesn’t. It’s our image optimizer. For those of you wondering whether you really need this service, let us put it this way: There’s a reason why 10Web is the only hosting provider that guarantees a 90+ PageSpeed score, and that reason is our image optimization service, among other things.

It will help speed up your website up to 3 times. Every image uploaded to your WordPress site will be automatically optimized and become 10 times lighter than the original version thanks to 90% image compression without quality loss.

10. SEO

And here’s another feature that GoDaddy doesn’t offer but we at 10Web do. It’s our SEO service.

GoDaddy offers an SEO plugin that will analyze your website’s state and automatically take care of the basic SEO factors.

But 10Web’s SEO service is more thorough than that. Your website’s structure and content will be improved to ensure a higher ranking, and here’s how:

  • Custom Metadata,
  • XML Sitemap,
  • Canonical URLs,
  • Knowledge graphs,
  • Optimization of URL length.

Of course, this isn’t all. For a better understanding of our SEO service, check out this article.

11. FAQs

pages with a question mark on them, on top a magnifying glass

Can I host my GoDaddy website with a different provider?

The answer is yes and no.

Here’s why: GoDaddy relies on the website builder GoCentral, which is both a website builder and a hosting platform. Not every website created with the GoCentral application can be transferred to another hosting platform, because most hosting providers don’t work with the GoCentral application. It’s important to consider this before making such a commitment.

But if you use GoDaddy’s Linux or WordPress hosting, you won’t have to worry about this type of limitation. You can transfer your website to any other hosting provider of your choice.

What are some GoDaddy website builder alternatives?

There’s a wide range of alternatives to GoDaddy’s website builder. Duda, HubSpot Marketing Hub or Wix are intuitive and easy-to-handle website management tools.

But of course, for us at 10Web, we recommend the Elementor website builder based on our first-hand experience with the builder and positive customer feedback.

What’s great about the Elementor builder is that it’s open source and free. But the reason we at 10Web decided to rely on their services is because they’re the easiest to grasp. This is an essential feature which will come in handy for people who have no prior experience with website creation, because they will be provided the opportunity to create stunning and professional websites with very little effort.

Who are GoDaddy competitors?

The hosting industry has a diverse range and is a highly competitive field. So, it comes as no surprise that GoDaddy has a long list of competitors. Here are a few: Bluehost, SiteGround, HostGator, and WP Engine. But the main competitor is yours truly. And of course, such a statement reeks of bias. But if you think about it objectively, it’s true.

Not only does 10Web provide a larger number of services in one hosting plan, it also outperforms GoDaddy when it comes to features that both hosting providers offer. And if all of this wasn’t enough, 10Web comes at a cheaper price, if you consider all the hidden prices that you’ll be confronted with after purchasing a GoDaddy hosting package.

Hope I answered all your burning questions. Make sure to leave a comment and share your thoughts: Is 10Web the GoDaddy alternative of your choice or is there something missing from our offerings that you think you can get elsewhere? We, at 10Web, believe in the innovative power of criticism, so don’t hold back, let us know your unfiltered opinion.

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