Page Speed

Stay up-to-date on the latest speed optimization tactics, plugins, reviews, tips, and guides.

Google Lighthouse featured image

What is Google Lighthouse? Improve the Lighthouse Score For WordPress Site

13 Min Read

Ready for a harsh truth? No matter how great the content of your website is, or how unique and amazing what you’re selling on your website is, it doesn’t mean much if your website is not performing on par with Google’s standards. To understand the importance of WordPress website performance, just consider the fact that Google continues to introduce metrics…

Frontend Optimization for WordPress Website Speed

Frontend Optimization: 10 Tips to Speed Up Your WordPress Website

21 Min Read

Three seconds. Three seconds of loading time on your website and your visitors will leave and never come back. These days, speed is at the forefront of everything web related. The Core Web Vitals, the new metrics in town, which has a significant impact on page quality scores and Google search results, is made up of three essential metrics related…

How To Speed Up WordPress Backend and Admin Panel

How To Speed Up WordPress Backend and Admin Panel

21 Min Read

The loading time of your WordPress backend is worrisome, your admin panel is misbehaving, and your concern for your website performance is growing. You’re beginning to question the vitality of your website, enterprise, and life choices. Thankfully, this backend and admin panel breakdown is a common condition and the cure to speed up the WordPress admin is widely available, though…

Nitropack Alternative – Why 10Web Booster Beats Nitropack

38 Min Read

The success of your website can be decided within seconds, that is the seconds it takes for your website to load. Websites that take 3 seconds or longer to properly load lose about 53% of their visitors, while a 100-millisecond delay can reduce conversion by 7 percent – talk about bad first impressions. Website speed speaks volumes about professionalism, reliability,…

10Web Booster: FREE Website Speed Optimizer!

Introducing the 10Web Booster: FREE Website Speed Optimizer!

18 Min Read

At this point—whether you’re a tech guru or a newbie to website development, you know the importance of PageSpeed. Google has made it clear repeatedly. Want people to remain on your website, reduce bounce rates, and increase user satisfaction? Your website better be fast. Want to increase conversion rates and bring in revenue? That website better load quickly. Want to…

Google Page Experience Update: The New Google Ranking Factor

Google Page Experience Update: The New Google Ranking Factor

13 Min Read

The anticipated (or dreaded) roll out of Google’s latest page experience update has already come and gone. Did it do wonders for your traffic…or were your worst fears realized? Or, perhaps you are just remembering about this change now, while reading this post? Fear not, as now that all the commotion has calmed and the dust has settled, we’re going…

Largest Contentful Paint: How to Improve Your Score Forever | 10Web

Largest Contentful Paint: How to Improve Your Score Forever

9 Min Read

So you’ve worked hard on building a fast, clean website, and now that you’ve run it through a page speed tool, it’s disappointing that the results are not what you hoped for. While hanging your head in defeat may seem like a tempting option, from an SEO and user experience standpoint, you should definitely reconsider before throwing in the towel….

Core Web Vitals: The Only Guide You’ll Ever Need

Core Web Vitals: The Only Guide You’ll Ever Need

16 Min Read

At this point, you’ve most likely heard about Core Web Vitals, Google’s new page experience measuring tools. Announced in May 2020 and incorporated into the ranking algorithms just last month, Core Web Vitals are another key way for Google to approximate the quality of user experience that a website offers. As the focus of Core Web Vitals is on an…

Core release Improvements to Speed Optimizer, YouTube & Vimeo clickable thumbnail

Core Release: 11/11/2020

2 Min Read

Improvements to the 10Web Speed Optimizer More improvements to the 10Web Speed Optimizer! As we have mentioned in our previous releases, the Speed Optimizer is key to reaching a high page speed score when you host with 10Web. Automation in optimizing your page speed is one of the cornerstones at 10Web. The 10Web Speed Optimizer is an ever improving tool…

browser with a rocket at the bottom right, and a 90 pagespeed score at the top left

How We Achieve a 90+ PageSpeed Score

8 Min Read

We, at 10Web, guarantee that every website connected to our platform gets a 90+ PageSpeed score. Our obsession with helping WordPress websites achieve a high PageSpeed score is something that’s unique to us, which is why we decided to take some time and grant you a sneak peek into our speed optimization service. But let’s first understand why page speed…


10 Video Optimization Tips For a Faster Website!

17 Min Read

Are there many videos and images on your website and want them to load without slowing down your website’s performance? Optimize them not to lose efficiency!


15 Tips to Speed Up Your WordPress Site

34 Min Read

Are you looking to speed up your WordPress website? You’re not alone. Given that webpage load time is an important factor that impacts everything from SEO and Google rankings to overall user experience and traffic, it’s every responsible website owner’s primary concern. In this comprehensive guide to optimizing the speed of your WordPress website we’ll discuss in detail the most…