7 Steps on How to Create a Blog on WordPress

Starting a blog on WordPress is a fantastic way to share your thoughts, showcase your expertise, and even build a community or a personal brand.

This guide will walk you through seven essential steps on how to create a blog on WordPress and get it up and running, from choosing a domain name to publishing your first post.

Whether you’re a beginner or just need a quick refresher, these steps will ensure you set up your blog efficiently and effectively.


Is creating a blog on WordPress free?

Yes, creating a blog on WordPress can be free if you use WordPress.com’s basic plan, which offers limited features and functionalities along with a WordPress.com subdomain (e.g., yourblog.wordpress.com).

Is WordPress good to start a blog?

Absolutely, WordPress is a popular choice for bloggers due to its ease of use, flexibility, and a wide range of themes and plugins that help customize your site and enhance functionality.

How much money do I need to start a blog on WordPress?

Starting a blog on WordPress can vary in cost. Using WordPress.com’s free plan costs nothing, but for more control and features, premium plans start at a few dollars per month. For WordPress.org, you’ll need to pay for hosting and a domain name, typically starting around $3-10 per month for hosting and around $10-15 annually for a domain.

Do WordPress blogs make money?

Yes, WordPress blogs can make money. Bloggers often earn income through advertisements, sponsored posts, affiliate marketing, selling products or services, and other monetization strategies. The key to profitability largely depends on your niche, audience size, engagement, and monetization methods.

What do you need to start a WordPress blog?

Learning how to start a WordPress blog involves several key components that work together to create a successful and functional website. Here’s a comprehensive list of all the things you will need before starting your blog:

1. Domain name

  • What it is: A domain name is the unique web address where visitors can find your blog, like www.yourblogname.com. It’s essentially your blog’s identity on the internet.
  • Why you need it: A domain name not only gives your site a professional appearance but also makes it easy for people to remember and revisit. Choosing a relevant and catchy domain name can help in building a brand around your blog.

2. Web hosting

  • What it is: Web hosting services provide the technology and resources needed for your blog to be accessible on the Internet. Your blog’s files, data, and content are stored on servers provided by a hosting company.
  • Why you need it: Without hosting, your domain would not have any files to load when visitors type it into their browser. Good hosting affects your site’s speed, reliability, and security, which are crucial for user experience and SEO.

3. WordPress software

  • What it is: WordPress is a content management system (CMS) that lets you create, manage, and publish your content on the web easily without needing to know how to code.
  • Why you need it: WordPress provides a flexible and user-friendly platform to build your blog. It supports numerous themes and plugins which enhance its functionality and design. Most web hosts offer easy, one-click installations of WordPress.

4. WordPress theme

  • What it is: A theme provides the design and layout of your WordPress site. Themes can be customized and come in various styles to suit different types of blogs.
  • Why you need it: The theme determines how your blog looks and feels to visitors, which can significantly impact their engagement and the overall aesthetic of your site. Themes also offer different functionalities and can be tailored to suit your needs.

5. Plugins

  • What it is: Plugins are add-ons you can install on your WordPress site to add specific features or enhance existing ones. Examples include SEO tools, social media widgets, security enhancers, and more.
  • Why you need it: Plugins extend the functionality of your WordPress blog. Whether you need to optimize your site for search engines, improve site speed, or add contact forms, there’s likely a plugin that can help. To learn more about different types of plugins you can add to your WordPress, you can read this article.

6. Analytics tools

  • What it is: Analytics tools like Google Analytics provide detailed information about your site’s traffic, user behavior, and other critical data.
  • Why you need it: Understanding how visitors interact with your site helps you make informed decisions to grow your audience and improve your content. Analytics can show you what’s working, what’s not, and where you can optimize your efforts for better results.

However, 10Web simplifies all the 6 steps mentioned above by providing managed hosting on Google Cloud, automatic WordPress installation, and seamless domain integration. This all-in-one solution is ideal for efficient website management, catering to both new and experienced bloggers.

By properly configuring and utilizing each of these components, you can establish a robust WordPress blog tailored to meet your goals and appeal to your target audience.

7 Steps on how to create a blog on WordPress

Educating yourself on how to create a blog on WordPress is a straightforward process, though it’s important to pay attention to detail to maximize the impact of your content. By following these 7 easy steps, you will be able to quickly and easily create your first blog on WordPress:

1. Log in to your WordPress Dashboard

Access your WordPress site’s backend by entering the URL that typically ends with /wp-admin. Here, you’ll need to enter your username and password to log into the Dashboard, which is the control center for your WordPress site.

2. Navigate to Posts

Once in the Dashboard, look for the Posts option on the left sidebar. Clicking on Posts will expand to show options such as All Posts, Add New, Categories, and Tags. Click on Add New to start creating a new post.

3. Enter a title for your post

At the top of the new post page, you’ll find a text field where you can enter the title of your post. Choose a title that is both informative and catchy to attract readers and give them an idea of what the post is about. Additionally, ensure that your title is SEO-friendly, which will allow your blog post to rank higher on search engines.

4. Add and format your content

Below the title field is the WordPress editor, where you can type the body of your post. You can use the tools in the editor to format your text, add links, and insert other media. Some key formatting features that will make your blogs more visually appealing and SEO-friendly to consider are:

a. Headings

Headings are crucial for organizing content into a clear, logical structure. They guide readers through your text and are pivotal in holding their attention. From an SEO perspective, headings help search engines understand the main topics of your content, which can enhance your visibility in search results.

Best practices:

  • Hierarchy: Use a hierarchical structure with your headings. Start with an H1 tag for your main title (which WordPress usually handles automatically), then use H2 tags for main section titles, and H3 tags for sub-sections beneath those, and so on. This structure helps both readers and search engines follow the flow of your content.
  • Keywords: Include relevant keywords in your headings to improve your SEO. However, make sure they fit naturally and are relevant to the content that follows.
  • Clarity: Keep your headings concise and clear. They should quickly inform readers about the content below them without being overly wordy or vague.

b. Visuals

Visual elements like images, videos, and infographics make your posts more engaging and can significantly increase the time readers spend on your site. They also help in breaking up text, making the content less intimidating, and providing a visual break or illustration of discussed topics.

Best practices:

  • Relevance: Ensure that every visual is relevant to the content around it. Each image or video should serve a purpose, whether it’s illustrating a point, showcasing examples, or just enhancing the aesthetics of the post.
  • Quality and optimization: Use high-quality images and optimize them for the web. Large files can slow down your page load times, affecting user experience and SEO. Tools like Adobe Photoshop, Canva, or WordPress plugins like Smush can help compress and optimize images without losing quality.
  • Accessibility: Add alt text to each image. Alt text improves accessibility for people using screen readers and also helps with image SEO by giving search engines context about the images.
  • Legal considerations: Only use visuals that you have the rights to use or that are available under creative commons licenses. Crediting sources and creators not only respects their work but also protects you from potential legal issues.

c. Text format

Applying these text formatting techniques in your WordPress blog posts can greatly improve both the aesthetic appeal and the functionality of your content, making it more engaging and accessible to your audience.

Best practices:

  • Paragraphs and line breaks: Simply typing text into the editor will automatically create paragraphs. For a line break without starting a new paragraph, use Shift+Enter instead of just Enter.
  • Bold and italics: Highlight important words or phrases with bold or italics to add emphasis. This is helpful for readability and for guiding your reader’s attention to key parts of your content.
  • Lists: Organize information using bulleted or numbered lists. This not only makes your content easier to read but also helps break down information into manageable chunks.
  • Hyperlinks: Adding links to your content can provide additional context or direct readers to further information. Simply highlight the text you wish to link and click the link button in the toolbar to add a URL.

5. Choose or add categories and tags

Categories and tags help organize your content and make it easier for readers to find related posts. Categories are broader and can be used to group your posts into significant themes. Tags are more specific and describe the detailed topics of your post. Choose existing categories/tags or create new ones by typing them into the respective fields on the right-hand sidebar. Here are the steps to choose each one:


  • On the right side of the post editor, you will find the Categories box. If you do not see it, ensure that it is enabled in the Screen Options at the top of the page.
  • Click on the Add New Category link directly in the Categories box. A field will appear where you can type the name of the new category.
  • Optionally, you can assign it as a sub-category to another category by using the Parent Category dropdown.
  • Check the box next to the category or categories that apply to your post. If you’ve just created a new category, it will also appear in the list with a checkbox.


  • Still in the post editor, find the Tags box, typically located below or near the Categories box. If not visible, check your Screen Options to ensure it is activated.
  • Type the tags you want to add to the Tags field. Tags are typically more specific than categories and can be seen as keywords related to the content of your post.
  • Separate multiple tags using commas. For example, if you’re writing about gardening, you might add tags like “gardening tips, indoor plants, DIY planters.”
  • Once you’ve added your tags, they will appear below the entry field. If you need to remove a tag, simply click on the ‘x’ next to the tag’s name.

6. Preview your post

Before publishing, always preview your post to see how it will appear to readers. This is crucial for catching any formatting issues or typos. Click the Preview button, which opens a new tab showing how your post will look live. Make any necessary adjustments after reviewing.

7. Click Publish to make your post public

Once you’re satisfied with your post, click the Publish button to make it live on your site. If you’re not ready to publish immediately, you can also save it as a draft or schedule the post to be published later by setting a specific date and time.

How to schedule a blog to be published

  • Once you’re logged into your WordPress Dashboard and creating a new post, navigate to Posts and edit an existing one by going to All Posts and selecting the post you wish to schedule.
  • Finalize the content, add images, and apply categories and tags as you normally would for any post.
  • On the right side of the post editor, you will see the Publish box. Here, locate the Publish immediately option. Click the Edit link next to it to change the timing settings.
  • A date and time selection interface will appear where you can choose the exact date and time you want the post to be published. WordPress uses a 24-hour clock, so make sure to set the time correctly, keeping in mind your website’s time zone settings.
  • After setting the desired date and time, click the OK button to set the schedule. The text in the Publish box will update to show the scheduled time.
  • Instead of the usual “Publish” button, you’ll now see a button that says Schedule. Click this button to finalize the scheduling.
  • Once clicked, WordPress will confirm that your post is scheduled with a note at the top of the editor saying, Post scheduled for: [date and time]

    How to view all of your scheduled posts

    To view all your scheduled posts, you can go to Posts > All Posts. Use the filters above the posts list to select Scheduled to see only the posts that are set to be published later.

    If you need to change the content, time, or date of the scheduled post, simply repeat the steps above. Open the scheduled post, make any changes, adjust the schedule in the Publish box, and then hit Schedule again to update.

    Following these steps carefully on how to start a WordPress blog will help ensure your post is well-crafted and ready to attract and engage your target audience effectively.

    How to create high-quality blogs on WordPress

    Creating high-quality blog posts on WordPress involves more than just writing compelling content. It encompasses selecting the right topics, optimizing for search engines, engaging readers effectively, and maintaining the relevance of your content over time.

    Choose relevant topics

    • Understand your audience: Before you begin writing, it’s crucial to know who your audience is and what they care about. Use tools like Google Analytics, social media insights, or direct feedback to understand their interests, problems, and questions.
    • Trend analysis: Keep up-to-date industry trends and hot topics through news outlets, blogs, social media trends, and tools like Google Trends. This will help you create content that is timely and relevant.
    • Solve problems: Aim to solve a problem or answer a question that your audience has. This approach not only attracts readers but also establishes your blog as a go-to resource in your niche.

      Use a specific theme

      • Theme selection: Choose a WordPress theme that reflects the nature of your content and complements your brand’s aesthetics. Ensure the theme is responsive (mobile-friendly), fast, and supports all necessary functionalities. To learn more about choosing a theme for your WordPress blog, ensure to read this article.
      • Customization: Customize your theme to match your brand’s color scheme, typography, and layout preferences. This includes adjusting header layouts, widgets, and other design elements to enhance visual appeal and user experience.

      Optimize for SEO

      • Keyword research: Conduct thorough keyword research to find keywords that your target audience uses to find content related to your topics. Tools like Ahrefs, SEMrush, or Google Keyword Planner can help.
      • On-page SEO: Incorporate your target keywords naturally into titles, meta descriptions, headings, and throughout the content. Also, optimize images with descriptive alt tags and filenames.
      • Link building: Implement internal linking to other posts on your blog to improve SEO and user engagement. Also, strive to gain backlinks from reputable sites to boost your site’s authority and search engine ranking.

      Include call to action (CTA)

      • Purpose of CTA: Each post should have a goal, whether it’s to encourage comments, share the post on social media, subscribe to a newsletter, or visit another page on your site.
      • Visibility and relevance: Place CTAs prominently within the post and ensure they are relevant to the content. This could be a CTA button, a link within the text, or a CTA at the end of the post.
      • Test and optimize: Regularly test different CTAs and their placements to see which ones generate the most engagement. Use A/B testing tools to optimize their effectiveness.

      Update and regenerate old posts

      • Regular reviews: Periodically review your older content to ensure it remains accurate and relevant. This is crucial for maintaining a trustworthy and professional site.
      • Refresh content: Update outdated statistics, replace old images, add new insights, and improve readability. Also, consider repurposing old posts by turning them into videos, infographics, or podcasts.
      • Re-promote: Once updated, re-promote the content through social media, newsletters, and other channels to reach a wider audience.

      By implementing these strategies, you can create high-quality blog posts that not only attract but also retain and convert readers into loyal followers or customers on your WordPress site.

      How to earn revenue from WordPress blogs

      Earning revenue from a WordPress blog involves several effective strategies that you can utilize based on your audience size, niche, and personal preferences. Here’s a breakdown of some common monetization methods:

      Insert ads

      • Ad networks: Join ad networks like Google AdSense, Media.net, or Ezoic. These platforms automatically place ads on your blog, and you earn money either through clicks (pay-per-click) or impressions (pay-per-impression).
      • Direct Ads: Alternatively, sell ad space directly to advertisers who want to reach your audience. This method often yields higher revenue as you can set your own prices, but it requires a sizable, engaged audience to attract advertisers.
      • Best practices: Ensure that the ads are not overly intrusive and are relevant to your audience to maintain a positive user experience. Use ad management plugins like AdSanity or Advanced Ads to help control where and how ads appear on your blog.

      Affiliate marketing

      • Choose relevant products: Promote products or services relevant to your blog’s niche. Sign up for affiliate programs through networks like Amazon Associates, Commission Junction, or individual companies that offer affiliate opportunities.
      • Content integration: Integrate affiliate links naturally into high-quality content such as blog posts, reviews, and tutorials. The key is to be transparent and genuinely recommend products or services that you trust.
      • Tracking and optimization: Use link-tracking tools provided by affiliate programs to monitor the performance of your links. Optimize your strategy based on what generates the most revenue.

      Sponsored posts

      • Partner with brands: Collaborate with companies that want to reach your blog’s audience. They may pay you to write content that promotes their products or services.
      • Transparency: Always disclose sponsored content to your readers as per Federal Trade Commission guidelines. Honesty maintains your credibility and trust with your audience.
      • Quality control: Maintain editorial control over the content to ensure it aligns with your blog’s standards and audience interests. This helps in keeping the content engaging and valuable for your readers.

      VIP blogs

      • Subscription models: Offer premium content through a subscription model. You can create a members-only section of your blog where subscribers can access exclusive content for a fee.
      • Membership plugins: Use WordPress membership plugins like MemberPress, Restrict Content Pro, or Paid Memberships Pro to manage subscriptions, member levels, and content restrictions effectively.
      • Value proposition: Ensure the premium content offers significant value beyond what’s available for free on your blog. This could be in-depth guides, video tutorials, downloadable resources, or exclusive articles.

      Product Sales

      • Sell your own products: Consider selling digital products like ebooks, courses, software, or physical goods related to your blog’s theme. WooCommerce is a powerful plugin that can turn your blog into a full-fledged e-commerce site.
      • Promotion: Promote your products through your blog posts, social media channels, and email marketing. Provide clear benefits and testimonials to help convince your audience of their value.

      Each of these revenue-generating methods requires different levels of investment, effort, and interaction with your audience. It’s often effective to combine several strategies to diversify your income streams and maximize your blog’s revenue potential.

      Benefits of having a WordPress blog

      Having a WordPress blog offers numerous benefits, making it a popular choice for bloggers, businesses, and content creators worldwide. Here are some of the benefits you will get by having your blog:

      Ease of use

      WordPress is renowned for its simple, intuitive user interface, making it accessible even to beginners. The platform allows users to manage and publish content without needing advanced technical skills.

      Hosting providers like the 10Web AI Website Builder offer one-click WordPress installations, which means you can have a blog up and running in minutes.


      Whether you’re running a simple blog, a large e-commerce site, or a portfolio, WordPress is highly versatile and can be tailored to meet any specific requirements through extensive customization options.

      Access to a wide range of themes and plugins

      Themes: WordPress provides access to thousands of free and premium themes, making it easy to find one that fits your blog’s style and functionality needs.

      Plugins: With over 58,000 plugins available, you can add custom functions to your site, such as SEO tools, security enhancements, social media integration, and more.

      SEO advantages

      WordPress is designed with SEO in mind. Features like customizing permalink structures, optimizing headings, and adding metadata are straightforward, helping improve your site’s visibility and ranking in search engine results.

      Large community support

      The large and active community around WordPress includes developers, designers, and general users who contribute to forums, blogs, and groups. This network provides valuable support, tutorials, and solutions to common issues.


      WordPress itself is a free open-source software, though you may pay for hosting, premium themes, or plugins. This makes it an economical option for those starting out or operating on a tight budget.

      Effective content management system

      WordPress provides powerful tools to manage your content, from easy publishing to managing revisions, categorizing, and tagging posts. This functionality makes it ideal for handling large amounts of content efficiently.

      Integration with social media and other platforms

      WordPress allows easy integration with social media platforms, enabling automatic sharing of posts, adding social feeds, and encouraging social interactions.

      Mobile responsiveness

      Many WordPress themes are responsive, meaning they automatically adjust to look good on mobile devices. This is crucial as more users access the internet via smartphones and tablets.

      Frequent updates for improved security and features

      WordPress frequently releases updates that improve security, introduce new features, and optimize performance. Regular updates help keep your blog secure and functioning optimally.


      In conclusion, launching your blog on WordPress is straightforward and achievable. By carefully choosing your domain, customizing your design, and creating engaging posts, you’re well on your way to build a notable online presence.

      Your new blog serves as an ideal outlet to share your thoughts, engage with others who share your interests, and possibly expand your personal or professional brand.

      Simplify WordPress with 10Web

      Simplify WordPress with 10Web

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