How to Make an Ecommerce Website With WordPress

Learning to build an ecommerce website using WordPress is a smart option for entrepreneurs looking to easily start their online shop. This widely-used platform, bolstered by its powerful plugin system, particularly WooCommerce, allows users to design, customize, and manage an online store without needing extensive technical skills.

Our guide will walk you through the step-by-step process of setting up your ecommerce site using WordPress, from choosing the right hosting and themes to configuring products and integrating payment gateways, ensuring you have all the tools to build a successful online business.


Can I build an ecommerce site with WordPress?

Yes, you can build an ecommerce site using WordPress. By using plugins like WooCommerce, you can add ecommerce functionality to any WordPress site, allowing you to sell products or services online.

Is WordPress any good for ecommerce?

WordPress is a popular choice for ecommerce websites, especially with the WooCommerce plugin. It offers flexibility, a wide range of themes and plugins, and a strong community support network. Thus, learning how to make an ecommerce website with WordPress should be a priority if you want to increase your shop’s online presence.

Is WordPress free for ecommerce?

WordPress itself is free, but running an ecommerce site usually involves some costs. While the WooCommerce plugin is free, you might need to pay for additional plugins, themes, and hosting services. However, some advanced features might require premium plugins.

How much does it cost to build a WordPress ecommerce website?

The cost can vary widely depending on your needs. Basic costs include hosting ($3-$25 per month) and a domain name ($10-$50 per year). Themes can be free or up to $100 (one-time), while additional ecommerce plugins might cost $25-$200 each. Expect to budget at least a few hundred dollars annually, with costs increasing based on added features and scale.

What is an ecommerce website?

An ecommerce website is a digital platform designed specifically for conducting business transactions over the Internet, allowing businesses to sell goods or services directly to customers online. Key features include product pages that provide detailed descriptions, images, and pricing information, a virtual shopping cart for accumulating items before purchase, and a secure checkout process where customers input payment and shipping details.

To support a seamless shopping experience, ecommerce websites often incorporate payment gateways for processing electronic payments, customer accounts for easy management of orders and personal information, and search and filtering tools to help users find specific products. Customers can also benefit from the ability to post reviews and ratings, which aid in informed purchasing decisions. Platforms like WordPress facilitate ecommerce capabilities through plugins such as WooCommerce, making it easier for businesses to set up and manage their online stores. You can look at some of the best ecommerce website examples such as Nike, Sephora, Crate & Barrel through this article.

How to make an ecommerce website with WordPress manually

Creating an ecommerce website with WordPress is a popular choice due to the platform’s flexibility and the vast array of tools and plugins available to enhance functionality. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you set up an ecommerce site using WordPress

Step 1: Get the perfect domain name for your ecommerce website

Choosing the perfect domain name while making your ecommerce website on WordPress is a crucial first step, as it sets the tone for your brand and helps in shaping the first impression for your potential customers. Also, if you want to find and buy the perfect domain name for your website you can visit this page.

Get the perfect domain name for your ecommerce website

Here’s a concise guide to help you pick the right domain name:

  1. Reflect your brand: Your domain name should closely align with your brand name, making it easy for customers to remember and identify. It should convey the essence of what you sell or the service you offer.
  2. Keep it simple: Opt for a domain name that is short, easy to pronounce, and easy to spell. Avoid using complex words, numbers, or hyphens, as these can confuse potential visitors and make your website harder to reach.
  3. Use keywords: Including keywords related to your business can improve your SEO ranking, making it easier for potential customers to find you through search engines. However, ensure it still sounds natural and brand-appropriate.
  4. Choose the right domain extension: While .com is the most popular and widely recognized, there are many other extensions available (.net, .biz, .store, .shop) that might be more suitable or available if your desired .com is taken.
  5. Consider longevity: Choose a name that will grow with your business and won’t limit you if you decide to expand your range of products or services.
  6. Check availability: Before settling on a name, check if it’s available not only as a domain but also across social media platforms. This consistency in naming across platforms helps in building a cohesive brand identity.
  7. Legal considerations: Ensure that the domain name does not infringe on any trademarks to avoid legal issues down the road.

What to do if you already have a domain name

However, If you already have a domain name for your ecommerce website, ensure it is properly set up with your hosting provider by pointing the domain’s DNS settings to your host’s servers. This will direct traffic to your website when your domain name is entered in a browser. Additionally, consider securing variations or misspellings of your domain name to protect your brand and prevent traffic loss.

Step 2: Sign up for a host provider

Signing up for a hosting provider is a critical next step when learning how to make an ecommerce website with WordPress, as it will be where your site’s data is stored and accessed by visitors. Choose a hosting provider that offers reliable uptime, fast load times, and robust security features, particularly for handling sensitive transactional data in ecommerce.

Look for providers that offer dedicated WordPress hosting with one-click installation features, which can make setting up your site straightforward. It’s also beneficial to select a service with scalable options so your hosting can grow along with your business needs. Once you’ve chosen your provider, you can sign up through their website, select the appropriate hosting plan, and register or connect your domain name to start building your site.

Recommendation is 10Web Managed WordPress Hosting

10Web offers a robust managed WordPress hosting solution that leverages Google Cloud, aiming to deliver high performance and reliability. The service is particularly beneficial for those looking to offload the technical management of their websites. Key aspects of their managed WordPress hosting include automated updates, advanced security protocols, continuous backups, and guaranteed uptime.

When using 10Web as a managed hosting provider, you will be able to take advantage from the following features and benefits it provides:

1. Fully managed WordPress hosting

10Web simplifies the management of WordPress sites by automating crucial aspects like security, updates, and scalability. This full management covers everything from the initial setup to ongoing maintenance, ensuring that websites perform optimally without requiring constant attention from the user.

2. Real-time backup and scalability

The platform guarantees real-time data protection with automatic backups and provides elastic scalability to handle sudden traffic spikes without any site performance degradation. These features are crucial for maintaining data integrity and website availability.

3. User-friendly AI website builder

10Web enhances user experience by incorporating an AI-driven website builder that makes site creation accessible to users of all skill levels. The builder includes drag-and-drop functionalities and is powered by Elementor, which facilitates easy customization and editing of web pages.

4. Advanced features for developers and agencies

For developers and agencies, 10Web offers advanced tools like staging environments, multisite support, and white labeling. These features enable efficient management of multiple client projects and streamline the workflow, allowing for quick updates and modifications across different sites from a single dashboard.

Overall, 10Web managed WordPress hosting is an excellent choice for users seeking a high-performance, secure, and easy-to-manage hosting solution. It is designed to meet the needs of individual site owners, developers, and agencies alike. The platform also provides a free trial, allowing potential users to explore its features before committing to a subscription.

10Web Managed WordPress Hosting

Step 3: Install WordPress

Installing WordPress can be done either through your hosting dashboard, which is the easiest method, or by manually downloading and installing it if you require more control or if your host does not offer a one-click install option. Here’s how to proceed with each method:

First way: Install it through your hosting dashboard

Most hosting providers that support WordPress usually offer a one-click installation process, which simplifies the setup significantly:

  1. Log in to your hosting account and navigate to the control panel.
  2. Look for the WordPress installer. This could be under sections named Website, Software, or directly under a category labeled something like One-Click Installs.
  3. Click on the WordPress icon and follow the setup instructions. You’ll typically need to choose a domain name where you want WordPress installed and enter some basic setup details like site name and admin credentials.
  4. Complete the installation. The installer will configure WordPress for you, including setting up the database.
  5. Access your new WordPress site by navigating to your domain. You should be prompted to log in with the admin credentials you set up during installation.

Second way: Manually downloading it

If your hosting provider does not offer an easy WordPress installation, or if you prefer to handle the installation manually for more control, follow these steps:

  • Download WordPress: Go to the official WordPress website and download the latest version of WordPress.
  • Upload the files to your hosting account: Use an FTP client to upload the downloaded WordPress files to your web server. You typically want to place them in the root directory or a specific subdirectory of your web hosting space.
  • Create a MySQL database and user for WordPress: Log into your hosting control panel and find the MySQL databases section. Create a new database, and assign a user to it with full permissions.
  • Configure wp-config.php: Locate the file named wp-config-sample.php in the files you uploaded. Rename it to wp-config.php and open it for editing. You’ll need to input the database details (database name, username, password) you just created. This file configures WordPress to connect to your database.
  • Run the WordPress installation: Open a browser and go to your domain (or where you uploaded WordPress). If everything is set correctly, you should see the WordPress installation screen. Follow the instructions to complete the setup, which includes setting up your website title, admin username, password, and email address.

Both methods have their own merits. The one-click install is quick and ideal for beginners, while the manual installation offers more control over the installation process and is a good learning experience for managing WordPress websites.

Step 4: Choose and install an ecommerce plugin

WooCommerce is the most popular ecommerce plugin for WordPress, powering millions of online stores across the web. It’s robust, flexible, and can be extended with numerous add-ons and themes. Here’s how to download and install WooCommerce on your WordPress site:

  1. Log into your WordPress site by entering your domain followed by /wp-admin (e.g., Enter your username and password to access the dashboard.
  2. Once you’re in the dashboard, go to the left-hand menu and click on Plugins > Add New.
    Navigate to Plugins > Add New.
  3. In the Search plugins box, type WooCommerce. You will see the WooCommerce plugin by Automattic as one of the top results.
    Install plugin WooCommerce
  4. Click on the Install Now button next to the WooCommerce plugin. WordPress will download and install the plugin. Wait for the installation to complete; the button will then change to Activate.
  5. Click on the Activate button to enable the WooCommerce plugin on your WordPress site.

Other plugins for ecommerce websites

For building an ecommerce website on WordPress, there are several popular other plugins you might consider alongside WooCommerce. Here’s a breakdown of some notable options:

  1. Shopify WordPress plugin: If you prefer using Shopify’s powerful ecommerce capabilities while still running a WordPress site, this plugin integrates Shopify with your WordPress installation. It allows you to use Shopify’s checkout system and manage your inventory and store data on Shopify’s secure servers.
  2. BigCommerce for WordPress: Similar to the Shopify plugin, this integrates the robust BigCommerce ecommerce platform with WordPress. It offloads many of the ecommerce tasks from WordPress to BigCommerce, improving site performance and scalability.
  3. MemberPress: This plugin is ideal if you want to sell subscription-based digital products or memberships. It integrates seamlessly with existing WordPress sites and offers features like content access control, membership management, and integration with payment gateways.

Step 5: Set up your ecommerce website

Setting up your ecommerce website with core pages like Shop, Cart, My Account, and Checkout is essential for a functional and user-friendly online store. Here’s how you can effectively configure these essential components using WooCommerce on your WordPress site:

1. Shop

The Shop page is your primary product listing page. WooCommerce automatically creates this page, but you can customize it:

  1. Go to WooCommerce > Settings > Products > General and ensure that the Shop Page dropdown is set to the page that WooCommerce created or to any other page you want to use as your main shop page.
    WooCommerce > Settings > Products > General
  2. Depending on your theme, you can customize the layout, such as the number of products per row and per page. Access these settings via Appearance > Customize and look for WooCommerce options or theme-specific settings.

2. Cart

The Cart page shows the customer’s current products selected for purchase before checkout:

  1. WooCommerce should automatically create and assign a Cart page. Check this by going to WooCommerce > Settings > Advanced and verify that the Cart Page is set correctly.
  2. Consider adding features like cart suggestions, a return to shop button, or continue shopping links to encourage further purchases.

3. My account

This page allows customers to manage their account details, view past orders, and manage shipping and billing addresses:

  1. Similar to the Cart page, ensure that the My Account page is correctly assigned in WooCommerce > Settings > Advanced.
  2. From the WooCommerce settings, you can decide which tabs and information are available to customers on the My Account page.

4. Checkout

The Checkout page is where customers finalize their purchases, providing payment and shipping information:

  1. Make sure that the Checkout page is properly set under WooCommerce > Settings > Advanced.
  2. Since this page handles sensitive information, ensure that your site has SSL certification activated to secure data transmission. This is typically provided by your host or can be added via a plugin. You can learn more about SSL plugnin
  3. Reduce the number of steps or required fields where possible to simplify the process and reduce cart abandonment. Plugins like WooCommerce Checkout Manager can help customize the checkout experience.

Step 6: Add your products

Adding products to your WooCommerce store is a fundamental part of setting up your ecommerce website. Here’s a detailed guide on how to add products using WooCommerce on your WordPress site:

  1. Navigate to the sidebar, and you will find Products. Click on Products to open the submenu where you can manage all your product-related tasks.
  2. Click on Add New to start creating a new product. You will be taken to the product editor, which resembles the classic WordPress post editor.
    Add product
  3. At the top, enter the Product Name and directly below it, you can type the Product Description.
    Product name
  4. You’ll find a dropdown menu for Product Type. Choose the appropriate type for your product.
    product type
  5. Below the main text editor, you will find the Product Data panel. This panel is where you can specify product-related details such as General, Inventory, Shipping, Linked Products, Attributes, Advances.
  6. On the right side of the product editor, there is a box for a Short Description. This is typically displayed next to the product image on your website and is a brief overview of the product.
  7. Set Tags, Categories, and Visuals for the product.
  8. Once all the details have been filled in, review everything to ensure accuracy. Then, click the Publish button to make your product live on your website.

Step 7: Select a theme for your ecommerce website

​​Selecting the right theme for your ecommerce website is crucial as it not only affects the visual appeal but also the functionality and user experience. When choosing a theme for your WordPress-based ecommerce site, particularly one that will work well with WooCommerce, here are the steps you should follow:

  • Choose a responsive theme: Ensure the theme is responsive, adapting smoothly to different devices and screen sizes.
  • Check for WooCommerce compatibility: Opt for a theme that specifically supports WooCommerce to guarantee compatibility with your eCommerce functions.
  • Consider your brand and aesthetics: Select a theme that reflects your brand’s style and appeals to your target demographic.
  • Read reviews and check ratings: Investigate the theme’s reviews and ratings to gauge its reliability, performance, and user support.
  • Test the theme: Utilize demo versions if available to explore the theme’s functionality and ease of navigation.
  • Consider SEO features: Look for themes optimized for SEO to help improve your site’s visibility in search engine results.

After choosing a theme, install it via your WordPress dashboard by navigating to Appearance > Themes > Add New. You can either search for the theme in WordPress or upload it if it’s a premium theme you’ve purchased as a .zip file. Activate the theme by clicking Activate. Customize it to suit your brand by adjusting colors, fonts, and layout options provided in the theme settings.

Step 8: Add extensions to your ecommerce website

Adding specific extensions to enhance the functionality of your eCommerce website can significantly streamline operations like payment processing, shipping, tax calculation, and accounting. Here’s how to integrate these essential extensions into your WooCommerce store on WordPress:

Payment gateways

  • Purpose: Enable customers to make payments through various methods including credit cards, bank transfers, and online wallets.
  • How to add: Go to WooCommerce > Settings > Payments. Here, you can see a list of available payment gateways. For more options, click on Add New at the top or search for specific payment gateways like Stripe, PayPal, or Square in the WordPress plugin repository. Install and activate your chosen plugin, then configure it by entering your payment provider account details and setting up any necessary API keys.

Shipping extensions

  • Purpose: Automate the shipping process by offering real-time shipping rates, generating labels, and tracking shipments.
  • How to add: Navigate to WooCommerce > Settings > Shipping. You can add new shipping zones and choose methods for each zone. For advanced features like live rates from carriers (e.g., FedEx, UPS), search for and install plugins specifically for these carriers or use a comprehensive shipping plugin like WooCommerce Shipping.


  • Purpose: Simplify sales tax calculation, reporting, and filing.
  • How to add: Install the TaxJar plugin by searching for it under Plugins > Add New. Once installed and activated, connect it to your TaxJar account, and it will automatically start calculating the appropriate sales tax based on your customers’ locations and the nexus you have established.

Accounting extensions

  • Purpose: Streamline your financial management by integrating your ecommerce transactions directly with accounting software.
  • How to add: Plugins like QuickBooks for WooCommerce or WooCommerce Xero extension can be found in the plugin repository. These plugins sync your sales data directly with your accounting software, reducing manual bookkeeping efforts. Install your chosen accounting plugin, activate it, and follow the setup wizard to link it with your accounting software account.

Additional tips for using extensions:

  1. Test the integration: Before fully implementing the new extension, conduct tests to ensure everything is working as expected without disrupting your existing operations.
  2. Update regularly: Keep all plugins updated to ensure compatibility with the latest versions of WordPress and WooCommerce, and to maintain security and performance.

By integrating these extensions, you can enhance the efficiency, reliability, and user experience of your ecommerce website, ensuring smooth operations across payment, shipping, taxation, and accounting functions.

How to make an ecommerce website using AI

However, learning how to make an ecommerce website with WordPress and following each of these steps can be complicated and time consuming. To save your time and energy, you can take advantage of AI tools that will create your ecommerce website quickly and easily. One AI you can utilize is the 10Web AI Ecommerce Website Builder that offers a streamlined process to build an ecommerce website with the help of AI. Here’s how it can simplify the creation of an ecommerce website:

  1. AI-driven setup: Answer a few questions about your business, and the AI will generate tailored content and images for your ecommerce website and products.
  2. Customization: Use a drag-and-drop editor to customize the content and layout easily.
  3. Comprehensive features: The platform includes everything needed to manage products, orders, customers, payments, and shipping, all powered by WooCommerce.
  4. Optimization and support: Benefit from speed optimization tools and robust customer support.

Utilizing the 10Web AI Ecommerce Website Builder significantly cuts down the time and expertise required to launch a fully functional ecommerce site. Every feature is designed to be managed via an intuitive dashboard, ensuring that even people without technical skills can effectively run their online business. Additionally, you will be ensured that your ecommerce site will be built with WooCommerce, while providing you with a powerful and flexible backend.
Ecommerce website

Add plugins to enhance your ecommerce website

Adding specific plugins can greatly enhance the functionality and efficiency of your ecommerce website on WordPress. Here’s a brief overview of each plugin mentioned and how to add them to your site:

Yoast SEO

Yoast SEO helps you optimize your website for search engines. It provides tools for crafting better content, optimizing meta tags, generating sitemaps, and improving the readability of your text. It also helps in managing SEO elements like social media integration and structured data, which can influence how your content appears in search results and on social platforms.

Site Reviews

Allows your customers to leave reviews and ratings for products or services offered on your site. This plugin can enhance trust and credibility among potential buyers by showcasing real user experiences. It features capabilities like review moderation, the ability to pin top reviews, and integration of review summary widgets that can help in converting visitors by highlighting positive feedback.


Offers a robust defense against common web threats such as malware, DDoS attacks, and security vulnerabilities. Its features include security activity auditing to track everything happening on your site, file integrity monitoring, remote malware scanning, and a website firewall that can block attacks before they reach your site. This comprehensive security approach is crucial for protecting both user data and your business reputation.


MonsterInsights connects WordPress with Google Analytics, allowing you to access powerful insights directly from your WordPress dashboard. This includes analysis of user behavior, traffic sources, content effectiveness, and ecommerce tracking, which measures conversions and sales. Understanding these metrics can guide your business strategies, helping you to make data-driven decisions that improve your website’s performance and user experience.


BigCommerce for WordPress is a plugin that integrates the extensive ecommerce capabilities of BigCommerce with the flexibility of WordPress. It allows you to use the scalable BigCommerce ecommerce engine on the backend while managing content and experiences through WordPress. This setup is especially beneficial for high-volume stores or those that want to leverage WordPress for content marketing while running an efficient online store with complex inventory and sales management tools provided by BigCommerce.

How to add each of the plugins

  1. Go to Plugins > Add New.
  2. Write the plugin you want to install in the search bar on the top right corner.
  3. Install and activate the plugin.
  4. Follow the setup wizard to configure security settings and initiate a site scan.

Each of these plugins addresses different aspects of your ecommerce site, from improving SEO and security to enhancing user engagement through reviews and insights. By integrating these plugins, you can build a robust, scalable, and user-friendly online store. Be sure to configure each one properly to maximize their benefits and ensure they work harmoniously with your existing setup. You can read this article to learn more about how to install WordPress plugins.

How to optimize your ecommerce website

Optimizing your ecommerce website involves a strategic approach that focuses on enhancing various elements to improve conversion rates, search engine rankings, user experience, and reduce bounce rates. Here’s how you can achieve these improvements:

1. Conversion rates

Conversion rate optimization (CRO) targets increasing the percentage of visitors who complete a desired action on your site, such as making a purchase or signing up for a newsletter.

  • Simplify the Checkout process: Streamline the checkout process to make it as quick and hassle-free as possible. Minimize the number of steps and ask only for essential information.
  • Use high-quality images and descriptions: Provide clear, high-resolution images and detailed descriptions for your products to help customers make informed decisions.
  • Add clear calls-to-action (CTAs): Place visible CTA buttons that encourage users to take steps like Add to Cart, Buy Now, or Subscribe.
  • Offer multiple payment options: Include various payment methods to accommodate different preferences, including credit cards, PayPal, and newer options like Apple Pay or Google Wallet.

2. Search engine rankings

Improving your site’s visibility on search engines is crucial for attracting more traffic.

  • Optimize content with keywords: Use relevant keywords throughout your site content, including product descriptions, blog posts, and meta tags, to improve your SEO.
  • Improve site speed: Search engines, like Google, prioritize websites that load quickly. Optimize your site’s speed by compressing images, using caching tools, and minimizing the use of heavy plugins.
  • Mobile optimization: Ensure your site is mobile-friendly, as a significant amount of web traffic comes from mobile devices. Google’s mobile-first indexing makes this especially important.
  • Build quality backlinks: Earn backlinks from reputable sites to boost your site’s authority and search engine rankings.

3. User experience

A positive user experience can lead to higher customer satisfaction and repeat visits.

  • Responsive design: Ensure your website works well on all devices and screen sizes.
  • Easy navigation: Organize your site with a clear menu structure and a search bar to help users find products quickly.
  • Load time: Optimize load times by compressing images, leveraging browser caching, and reducing server response time.
  • Interactive elements: Use elements like chatbots for customer support and interactive videos or images to engage users effectively.

4. Bounce rates

A high bounce rate indicates that visitors are leaving your site without exploring beyond the landing page.

  • Targeted landing pages: Create landing pages that directly reflect the promises made in your ads or social media posts.
  • Improve page load speed: As mentioned, a faster loading time can significantly reduce bounce rates.
  • A/B testing: Regularly test different versions of your content and layout to determine which elements most effectively engage your visitors.
  • Engaging content: Include engaging, relevant content that immediately captures interest and encourages visitors to explore other parts of your site.

Implementing these strategies will help optimize your ecommerce website across various metrics, ultimately contributing to a better overall performance and increased sales.


In conclusion, mastering how to make an ecommerce website with WordPress can significantly enhance your business’s digital presence. By using WordPress and WooCommerce, you can build a customizable and scalable online store. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced web developer, WordPress’s user-friendly interface and robust support community make it a top choice for developing a professional ecommerce site. With the right strategy, your WordPress store will effectively meet customer needs and excel in the competitive online market.

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